Date night [Domesticity 2]

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"Stop playing with my hair."

"But I want to."

Grunting in irritation at his husband's small whiny tone, Levi gave way to Eren's demands. He had gotten accustomed to the strange habits that the omega had, like playing with his hair and other random physical displays of affection that were repetitive in nature. Some were in bed and others happened out in the open. If he refused, his mate would either move on to the next thing or whine. And it wasn't worth the effort.

Once, Eren had tried poking him for fun; that had been more of a mild irritation. Another time when he was reading, the brat had tried to tickle him. He really wasn't ticklish, which unfortunately meant that his husband's attempts persisted for much longer. In the end, the alpha had ended up putting aside his reading and retaliating in kind. To this day, sometimes Levi would wake up to the sensation of Eren attempting, and failing, to see if there had been a tickle spot he missed. Playing with his hair was innocuous by comparison.

They were at home and lounging on the sofa and Levi couldn't tell if Eren was petting his hair and combing it or trying to build a bird's nest similar to the one on the brunette's own head. As much as this habit bothered him, the alpha minded it less than some of the other things that his husband sometimes tried, such as adding bright colors to his wardrobe. There was no way in hell the alpha was going to wear yellow or some other shitty bright hue to work. It'd make him the laughingstock of the company and he'd never live it down. The pictures of their honeymoon and him wearing a Hawaiian shirt being spread around the office was bad enough, Levi didn't need to deal with even more teasing. But, to placate the brat, he sometimes wore it at home.

"Levi." There was a small hum of acknowledgement, but other than that the man just kept on reading.

"Levi..." This time it was a grunt, but still the dark-haired alpha in question didn't look up.

"Leviiii... I'm bored." Eren let a bit more of his petulant mood slip through while idly playing with those jet-black strands of hair. Even when they used the same products, his ended up completely differently. He envied his husband's silky locks. Mikasa had the same kind of hair and it was so much easier to take care of than his own, which required countless hours and yet always seemed to spring back into a mess by the end of the day no matter what. At least his workplace didn't really care that much about it.

The younger male had turned off the television a few minutes ago since there was nothing good on, but couldn't find the urge to get up off the sofa. It would be trivially simple to grab his phone or start up the computer, but he wanted to be next to his mate. The only problem was that Eren was bored. For the last few weeks, most of their evenings were spent just like this: sitting around the living room watching television or something. It was nice, but also too monotonous.

"Then go do something."

Turning the page, Levi continued reading, ignoring the feel of fingers threading through his hair. The alpha had long since given up on stopping Eren when it came to small things. It wasn't like anyone was watching. Anyone else and he would have immediately punched them in the face for even touching his hair.

"I mean this is boring. Just sitting around and doing nothing."

"What are you suggesting, brat?" Levi folded his book shut, keeping a finger on the page, as he turned to look at his sulking husband. Eren had begun to fiddle with the ends of his shirt, wrinkling it more in the process. It was no wonder the brat's head was always a mess given what the omega was doing to his shirt.

"I don't know. Let's go somewhere."

"Such as...?"

Eren thought for a while. After returning from their honeymoon, they had settled into a calm and domestic routine. It wasn't that different from how life had been before they were married. Perhaps it was because things had gotten so hectic with the wedding planning, his heats, the wedding itself, and their honeymoon, that the last few weeks of domesticity felt much too tame in comparison. The omega loved the quiet time with Levi; it was a nice reprieve after a long day at work, but it was simultaneously driving him a tad stir crazy.

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