Holiday rumble

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Levi grimaced at the joyous sounds of Christmas. He hated the holiday season and how enthusiastic people were about it. To him, it was nothing more than a bother and a mass commercial scam to make people spend more money than they had. It also meant more work, since many of their clients were adamant about getting things sorted out before the new year began.

But now he had to find something for the brat. Not that he knew what the younger male wanted. When he was seventeen, turning eighteen, he was already in college and living by himself. Kenny was imprisoned, and he had no time, family, or money to celebrate the damned holidays. He hadn't met Hange and Erwin yet, so there was no one to force him out of his abode. Back then his time was split between work, classes, and studying. During the holidays he was practically working overtime since the pay was good, despite how much he hated it. Customers came in drunk out of their minds, whining about their love lives, or engaging in public displays of affection (or indecency as he liked to call it). But now, there was Eren to consider.

Thankfully, the brat had been invited to a holiday party the day before Christmas, and had left the house early to go and spend time with his friends. It meant that they could twenty-fifth of December alone, without intrusions, since he would have already met his friends. Hange was throwing a party at the same time, and requested him to Eren along, but he didn't want a repeat of Halloween. Sure it had ended well, but Levi would much rather keep the brat to himself, instead of having to deal with all those eyes staring at his pretty mate. And the alpha had been forced to attend enough of those things to know that the holiday party was only worse. No one worked the day after, so it had become tradition to get drunk. The brat wasn't even old enough to drink yet – not that it ever stopped the four-eyed freak from offering the omega booze.

Sighing to himself, Levi wrangled out the incessant vibrating object in his pocket. There was a moment's pause as he looked at the caller ID, trying to figure what was better. If he didn't reply there'd be a barrage of texts and calls from the lunatic. Better to get it over with quickly.

Reluctantly, he hit the green button. "What is it shitty four-eyes?"

"LEVIII!" The shrill scream of his name made him wince. "Why aren't you here? I wanted to see Eren too!"

Rubbing his forehead, he was glad that for once, he actually had an excuse that the mad scientist might consider legitimate.

"One, Eren is at a party with his friends, so he wouldn't be able to come anyways. And two, I'm out."

"Aww, pooey... but what are you doing out? I thought you hated the holiday season!"

"I do, but the brat doesn't. He wants to have a proper celebration, so I'm out... shopping." The word was practically wrenched from his mouth. In the background, he heard the doorbell ring, and more happy laughs as another happy couple entered the store.

"Aww Levi... how cute of you! Risking all those crowds to find a gift for your little boyfriend! Let moi know if you need any help!"

He could practically hear the coo in their slightly drunken voice. It was why he had avoided asking anyone for help, especially Hange. They came up with the most ridiculous ideas. A few years ago Hange had given him a device for penis enhancement, thinking it would help him get laid more; as if he needed such a thing. And just last year he had overheard Hange cackling as Petra complained to the lunatic about how the gift had caused her date to turn red and splutter. Yup, definitely not happening.

"Shut it four-eyes."

Pressing the 'end' button, he sighed in relief as soon as it was over. A moment later, Levi felt another buzz and saw a message from the lunatic, who had apparently changed their name on his phone – again. He would eviscerate them one day, slowly and painfully.

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