Easter Weekend [Parenthood 11]

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"Oi brat, get out!"

Levi hissed as Isabel ran up and jumped into his arms. He had woken up an hour ago and unable to sleep, he had decided to get up and check on the kids. They were still asleep back then, so he had gone to do some work while he could. The rowdy brats had woken up half an hour ago and had arrived at his office pestering him to make breakfast. After talking them down, he had went back to make sure his husband hadn't woken up, but Isabel had followed him to their room. Levi lifted his noisy daughter out of the master bedroom and shut the door quietly behind him.

"Daddy... I wanted to see mommy!" His oldest daughter pouted.

"He's sleeping right now. You know how tired he gets these days." There was no telling whether the omega would be able to sleep well in the next few weeks with the pregnancy. For now, it was okay, but his mate was only a few weeks along. Severe nausea hadn't kicked in yet, which was surprising, but sooner or later he would have a cranky, nauseous omega on his hands.

Originally, the dark-haired male was under the impression that their family would stay as himself, one adult brat, three smaller brats, and a cat, but Eren had wanted another kid. Unwilling to argue the point, they had decided to let fate decide whether the omega would conceive again or not. Raising one brat was a lot of work, but the alpha reckoned that they had it reasonably figured out by now. And it was definitely helpful that their friends were always willing to lend a hand whenever possible. Levi could list out the numerous times they had called on Erwin, Petra, Mikasa, Armin, and even Hange to take care of the kids either because both he and Eren were busy or because they simply needed some alone time.

"But daddy..."

"Go play with Carla and Captain. I'll go make breakfast, and then we can go wake him up, okay?"


After sending his daughter packing he went downstairs to make breakfast. Typically, if Eren wasn't awake by then, he'd wake up the brat, but he wasn't in any rush yet. If the kids weren't hyper enough that it was a long weekend, it was Easter weekend, which meant no school, the Easter bunny, and chocolate eggs. Isabel was busy 'initiating' her younger brother into all the fun of Easter by retelling him stories of finding chocolate eggs and eating them. His son had been there last year, but at such a young age, it wasn't like Farlan would be able to remember going.

In the last couple of years, Hange had begun hosting an Easter celebration. Only those at Survey Corps and a few of the beta's other friends were invited. Levi had been reluctant to attend, but Erwin and Petra and some of his and Eren's mutual acquaintances were attending, so it couldn't have been that bad if Eyebrows allowed his children to attend. For a half-day event, it had been surprisingly elaborate and child-oriented. There was no alcohol served and Hange had somehow amassed a good number of children's toys and activities. They had provided washable paints for the kids to paint their own Easter eggs, and also a cookie decorating table. Naturally, the whole kitchen and dining room was a mess. While the kids were busy doing that, the rest of the adults hid plastic eggs in the backyard. After lunch, they let the kids hunt for the eggs and trade them in for chocolate eggs. By the time those two things were over, it was typically already three or four in the afternoon. Carla and Isabel had loved it so much they were going again this year.

For a party hosted by Hange, it was a surprisingly tame affair. There were no exploding volcanoes or odd-flavored chocolate, which the alpha had almost expected. That did not mean the beta didn't have any ulterior motives, however. Levi was almost certain that the four-eyed freak was trying to run some long-term experiment to see how behaviors in childhood predicted the propensity for one to develop as an alpha or omega, given how eager they were to document behaviors such as persistence during the egg hunt. As much as he hated his children being subject to such scrutiny, Eren and the kids all loved the entire affair, and the private party was much better than any public Easter celebration.

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