Levi vs. Baby [Parenthood 3]

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The small cry of a baby jolted him from his reading, and Levi immediately got up to check on the twins. They had only been asleep for the last two to three hours, after being fed and burped by Eren. In the last month or so, no one had gotten a good night's sleep. Not him, not his husband, and probably not the babies either. They would be awakened every two to three hours at odd intervals by Isabel's and Carla's cries. And although Levi was generally fine with insomnia once in a while and opted to stay awake while his mate nursed them, Eren was the one that typically dealt with their babies.

The alpha knew his mate was exhausted. This was the first weekend since they had been born that he had finally convinced Eren to get some rest; his mate was normally up worrying during the day. The omega had fallen asleep within moments of lying down, his bronzed skin slightly pale in comparison to usual. After the younger male had dozed off – he didn't have to wait long – Levi had secretly turned off the baby monitor, leaving Eren to rest in their soundproofed room. The alpha had often heard stories of how stressful being a new parent was, but until Isabel and Carla were born, he hadn't quite realized just how bad it could get.

Walking into the nursery, Levi could see the two bundles – one bawling and the other with her face scrunched up in the way that he thought was just ugly but Eren thought was adorable. They resembled misshapen pudges wearing clothes. He stood there for a moment trying to figure out what was so cute about them, but the scrunched up face could only be seen as ugly in his mind. Picking up his crying daughter – Isabel, figures she would be like her namesake – he tried to rock her the same way his husband did.

It was a miracle that both daughters had been delivered safely, being born a solid two weeks before they were expected. Eren's water broke during the middle of a meeting Levi had been having with a client. Petra had taken the call and rushed in to tell him. He did not care at all that an important client would be left hanging, and immediately left the building to go to his mate's side. Screw Erwin and the rest of them. They could go fuck themselves if they had a problem with him leaving. Eren was his first priority. Thankfully, his mate wasn't alone. Eren was supposed to meet Mikasa and Armin earlier that day to go over more baby things. They had called him within minutes of when the half day of terror, as he liked to think of it, began.

Levi had never liked hospitals; there was something so freakily cold and sterile about the environment. Plus, they weren't as clean as people thought they were. There were plenty of dead men walking in those halls, disease, and other nasty unseen things. And there were all those super bugs from excessive use of antibacterial sanitizing gel. But it was where Eren's obstetrician worked and the safest place for giving birth. Given the rarity of male omegas, it was less likely for them to give birth – many of them mating female alphas instead – let alone to twins and the risk of complications were slightly higher due to less experience with them.

Water breaking wasn't out of the ordinary, but after Levi arrived at the hospital – Eren was already there – they mentioned that there might be some complications with the delivery. The omega's labor had started sooner than expected, and after Isabel was delivered there had, indeed, been some complications. In the end, an emergency Cesarean section had to be done for Carla.

Those had been the most frightening moments of his life. Seeing all those beeping machines and all those doctors around, feeling Eren's bone-crushing squeeze on his hands as his mate screamed obscenities at him. It was something that Levi never wanted to relive. Nothing he experienced before, even proposing or the actual wedding, compared to his fear of losing Eren. As much as Levi knew he would care for their kids, it was different than the bond he had with his mate.

Eren was his other half, an irreplaceable part of his being. They fit together like lock and key in more ways than just physically. There was practically nothing Levi wouldn't do for his husband.

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