Insecurities [Feelings 1]

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"Ahhh.... L-Levi... h-harder..."

"So good for me baby."

Hands gripped his hips harder, slamming into him and he couldn't help but scream as his climax overtook him.

Dimly, Eren was aware of Levi sliding out, throwing out the spent condom, and cleaning them both up, but his mind was too fuzzy to really be aware of anything. Since his first heat, they had done it multiple times and in many different ways over the last two months, but there had never been any admission of feelings. He knew he was starting to feel more than just lust and respect for the older man, but he couldn't really place a name onto it yet. Worse, Levi was still as stone faced as ever unless it was in the aftermath or during sex. Sure there was the words Levi had whispered to him that first night (thankfully he hadn't conceived then) and the very rare occasional change in how the alpha acted, but the niggle of doubt persisted. They were mated... right?

Hearing his phone buzz, Eren flipped it open to see the plethora of texts left to him by Mikasa and Armin. It was already the summer holidays and he didn't know what to do about his relationship with Levi. And knowing his friends, they might only make things worse. Especially Mikasa, she would freak out if she knew what thoughts had been flying around his head. But seeing the hundreds of missed texts and phone calls didn't help. The last thing the omega wanted was for his childhood friend to come storming over asking for Levi's head on a platter.

Reluctantly, he typed a reply back.

          Eren [10:03]: hey Kas.

His phone buzzed back almost instantaneously. It was Mikasa after all.

          Mikasa [10:04]: EREN! Omg! You finally replied!

          Mikasa [10:04]: You ok? We haven't heard from you since school got out!

          Eren [10:05]: Ya. Just busy w. summer school

          Mikasa [10:05]: That midget isn't doing anything to you, is he?

They knew he was mated. His class all knew after he had come in the day after with Levi's scent all over him and a ring of red marks scattered around his neck. That didn't mean they were happy about it though. That same day, Mikasa had forced herself into the apartment and confronted the alpha male. Of course, Levi being Levi had replied bluntly and without any tact that 'Eren was his' plain and simple. It had taken a few days of persuasion from Armin before she was able to finally accept that he was mated to the man. Eren suspected it might have had something to do with the fact that both Levi and her were alphas and therefore highly territorial and protective. But, it had still put a strain on their relationship. To this day, Mikasa wasn't thrilled about it. It was hard enough that he came in almost weekly, if not more often, smelling like the dark-haired alpha, but any sign that he was stressed or worried would cause threats to fly out of her.

Armin, on the other hand, had been slightly shocked, but had gotten over it by the next morning, coming to the conclusion that it was almost inevitable. At a biological level at least. The beta had probably predicted it would happen given how easily he had accepted it.

          Eren [10:06]: Im good

          Mikasa [10:06]: You sure?

          Eren [10:06]: Yes. I'm fine. Stop worryin, 'Kas

          Mikasa [10:07]: Fine. But we should meet up sometime. When are you free?

Eren took his time responding, knowing that if he met up with them, he'd likely be confronted with things he didn't want to think about or tell them.

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