Conflicting Views [Parenthood 10]

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"Hey sweetheart, how are you?"


It was no surprise Farlan was confused when he was suddenly removed from Eren's warm arms. Small resolute fists balled up around his jacket and watery grey eyes looked back at him. Although the toddler had met Petra before, she was still considered mostly a stranger to him. This was one of the first times that his son had been dropped off at someone else's house without his sisters around.

"I'll be back soon, okay, buddy? Be a good boy for me." Eren ruffled Farlan's jet black locks, gently caressing his son's cheek. A little more cajoling had to be done before he fully released Eren, since Farlan was insistent on clinging onto him and the redhead was clearly in the last few weeks of her pregnancy and couldn't battle a determined toddler. Eventually, they managed to do so without much of a hitch and lots of promises of story time and cuddling later on.

"So, how are you, Eren? I heard you're being flooded with consulting projects."

"It's good. Yeah, I'm pretty busy these days with work." Petra cast him a commiserating smile and he shrugged. "The place I'm supposed to meet them is a little out of town at this private estate, so it might take longer than usual. Levi will probably pick Farlan up after he's done, but I'll let you know if anything changes."

Even though he said he was fine, Eren's smile was a little strained. Things had gotten a little stressful with Carla and Isabel growing up so fast. Although kindergarten and afterschool activities ate up much of their time, someone still needed to ferry them to and from those places. They would probably have to start sending Farlan to daycare soon along with his sisters, given how busy Eren's schedule was becoming.

After Krista and Ymir's wedding, his clientele had almost doubled overnight. Many of them were his friends' business associates and friends, meaning that their schedules were just as busy and sometimes, like today, Eren would find himself having to schedule last minute meetings. Normally he brought his son with him, but it was a bit difficult when he was going out of the city. Farlan still took afternoon naps and there was no telling how long he was going to be out for.

The flip side of Eren's successful business was not so pretty, however.

Between Levi's and his respective jobs, Isabel's and Carla's afterschool activities, and raising Farlan, there wasn't time for much else. Most of the time Eren felt he had taken on more of the child raising responsibilities than Levi ever had, and the two of them had clashed over it more than once. It couldn't be helped with how busy they both were, but Eren wished his husband would be little more supportive and help take their daughters to some of the afterschool care places. Unless it was a rare event like today, right now, the omega found himself saddled with all of it.

"You're spending too much time on it. I'm just worried you're going to stress yourself out."

"I'm fine, Levi!" Eren rolled his eyes indignantly. "I can take care of myself!"

"You don't even have to do all this! It's not like we don't already do enough for them." Levi shot back. He was simply worried about his partner. Their daughters were signed up for so many afterschool things it was difficult to keep track. And there was Eren's volunteerism around Isabel's and Carla's school. On one hand, Levi understood being supportive of their children and giving them the best environment to grow up in, but on the other hand, he was worried his mate was wasting too much time on things that their kids didn't need (or want). And in the process, Eren was overly stressing himself out. It was an ongoing sore point between the two of them.

"Just because you didn't have a normal childhood, doesn't mean Isabel and Carla shouldn't!"

"You think that because I care for your wellbeing means I don't care enough for our kids? What the fuck are you talking about Eren?!"

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