Confrontation [Feelings 2]

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Erwin sighed as he heard the loud bang of a door slamming shut. Levi.

They had just won a big case, so most of them were taking it easy while they could. But not the short, dark-haired man. Levi had reverted back to his old days, constantly staying overtime when there was no need to. The blonde supposed it was his fault for bringing up the idea of feelings two weeks ago. The man had been a foul mood ever since. Levi's surly temper wasn't anything odd, even Erwin had his off days, but this time there was no real reason for it. Well, no real reason except for one seventeen year old omega... Eren.

Normally he wouldn't have cared, but his friend's toxic attitude was starting to worry quite a few others at the company. They all had their relationship problems and suffered through insecurities, jealousy, and break-ups, and Erwin couldn't fault anyone for feeling down about them. But if Levi was already like a tiger to begin with, he was a barely-leashed feral variety now, snapping at everyone around him. Even Hange had quieted down with the jokes, and that was telling.

Given the man in question's attitude towards issues like trust and love it wasn't surprising. When he had first met Levi nearly ten years ago back in college, the male was even scarier than he was now. They had met accidentally when Levi had tried to beat him up for a case of mistaken identity. After not really apologizing, they had wound up in the same group for an English project, along with Hange. And had somehow remained friends since then.

They made an interesting ragtag band of orphaned misfits. Him, who had lost his father at a young age during an archeological dig, being considered by others as knowing too much and being too shrewd for his own good. His looks only exacerbated things: women wanted him, and the men hated him. Then there was Hange, who was as eccentric as one could get. The brunette had a brilliant scientific mind, but they just didn't seem to understand social etiquette. Or rather, they didn't try. Many times during their undergraduate years, he had barely managed to stop Hange from doing something stupid or dangerous, mainly both. There were several times in which he had failed, and thankfully the consequences hadn't gotten too out of hand. One time Hange had somehow released an airborne virus which left a good portion of the students feeling ill. Another time they had broken into the biology lab simply since the professor (or TA, he wasn't sure on that) refused to let them play with a human skeleton. And there were other times as well; he had lost track of how many times the brunette had nearly gotten kicked out. And of course...then there was Levi.

When they had first met, if one thought Levi was bad now, he was even worse back then. The man barely talked and it had taken both Hange and him to get the male to even reply to most things. The first time Hange had tried to give him a hug the shorter male had slugged the beta so hard in the stomach that they weren't able to go to classes for the rest of the day. And if someone even mentioned Levi's height or even hinted at it... well, it wasn't pretty. It was understandable, given Levi's familial circumstances with Kenny, and what happened with Isabel and Farlan. Even Erwin didn't really understand the whole picture, but what he knew was enough to get what had molded Levi to be that way. But over the next few years in school, a few drinking and blackmailing sessions, he had mellowed out... slightly. It was still fairly easy to set the man off, but Levi was a lot better than when they had first met.

But this 'thing' with Eren needed to stop. Erwin knew his friend had never really been in a relationship before, let alone one with vested emotions, but that was no excuse. He would bet his entire fortune that Levi hadn't said a word about it to Eren and was avoiding it altogether, which was only making the problem worse. Thankfully the day was almost over. Pressing a button, he buzzed Petra.


"Tell Levi to come to my office."

"Will do, sir."

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