University Life [University 1]

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Several months ago...

"Oh my god, Levi! I got in!"

He still couldn't believe his eyes as he read and reread the letter in his hands, the first line stating:

     Dear Mr. Eren Yeager,

     We have considered your application for the University of Trost, and would like to extend an offer of acceptance into the College of Arts and Sciences for the upcoming fall semester...

 Eren had had to reread it several times, just to make sure his eyes weren't deceiving him. Earlier last week he had received a rejection from Mitras, not that it had been his top choice and would have meant moving away from his friends and Levi. They both were equally ranked universities, with amazing programs, but it had lowered his hopes and made him fear for the worst. When he had opened the mailbox to see the letter with the crest of Trost U on it, his heart had plummeted, hands growing sweaty and cold. It had only been with Levi's annoyed prodding at him being morose and a crazy anxious wreck at dinner, which made him gather up the courage to pry open the envelope.

"Yes you did, now stop molesting me. I need to do the dishes, brat."

"But Levi! I actually got in!" Eren continued to clutch excitedly at the shorter man, uncaring that Levi looked like he was about to murder him. He still couldn't believe that he had gotten in. That he would be attending the same school as his best friends. "Oh my god, I have to tell Mikasa and Armin!"

He could hear the 'fucking brat' the shorter male let out as he hurried out the room to get his phone.


"Tell me again Armin, why I thought it would be a good idea to take English Lit?"

He moaned and buried his head on the table. Eren hated the class. Not only was it at eight a.m. in the morning on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, which meant he needed to wake up at least an hour and a half earlier – at least Levi was up by then – it also meant he was stuck sitting next to the most annoying dick he had ever met. Jean fucking Kirstein. Who also happened to have the largest crush on Mikasa.

Mondays and Wednesdays were only marginally better than Fridays, since they were lectures, which meant that the horse-faced asshole couldn't bug him all the time. Most of the times he was able to find a seat elsewhere, but the times he was close to the guy, he sent faces and notes at him asking for Mikasa's number or where she would be or things about her, all of which Eren tried to ignore.

Fridays were much worse. They were stuck together in a small twelve-person discussion group, and the horse-faced asshole was in it. Their teaching assistant, or TA, was an incompetent turd, who merely had them break up into smaller groups ranging from 2-4 persons for small group discussions, which were useless. And more often than not, Eren was stuck with the horse face, since the asshole had made it his mission to get closer to him to ask Mikasa out. It was only three weeks into the semester and he wanted to die.

"Because you need it to graduate?"

"But it's so fucking boring. Makes me want to kill myself..." he groaned again, running his hands through his hair. "The prof talks with this nasally English accent, wears the same tweed coat every day, and writes on a fricking overhead projector on laminations with a permanent marker! What year is he from anyways? The 1800's or something? And since that damn horse face found out about Mikasa, he's been bugging me every minute of the day... Why couldn't you have been in the same section as me, Armin?"

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