Chapter 2

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{A/N} These first chapters are kinda short, but I promise they will get longer! Thanks sooo much for reading!



       Gosh. Not another freaking meeting. Yay. Time for more middle-aged fat men to tell me what to do to “make my career more fulfilling.” And I didn’t do what they asked last time, so now I’m gonna get yelled at. Really? Shouldn’t we be the ones in charge? We are the ones that have all the success anyway. What the heck. I walked in the room and the rest of the boys were already seated at the large table.

       “Hey mate.” Zayn said, as I took a seat next to him.

       “Hey. Ready for another ‘management meeting?’” I said sarcastically.

       “Oh yeah. We’re all thrilled, Niall. Can’t you tell?” Louis joked back, lightening the mood. A group of men walked in and sat down at the table with us.

       “Hi boys. How is everyone doing?”

       “Good.” All of us murmured in unison, equally unentertained.

       “Great.” Our main representative, Evan McClain said. “Well this month has been really great boys. The new album is doing great, sales are going well, and your performance on X-Factor last week was ace.” At least they had a couple good things to say. “We do have some things we need you boys to do, though.” There was always a catch. “Harry, Liam, and Louis, you’re all doing great right now. Louis, just try to watch your language.” Everyone let out a slight laugh as Louis put up his middle finger towards Mr. McClain.

       “Sorry. I just had to get it out of my system. I won’t do it anymore.” Thank God for Louis, always lightening the mood and making things less serious.

       “Zayn, the only thing we need from you right now is to be more active on twitter. The fans are starting to think you’ve gone missing for God’s sake.” He sternly told Zayn.

       “I guess I could work on that.” Zayn said.

       “Great. Now Niall. I’m sure you remember what we told you, what was it, 3 months ago?”

       “Yes, I remember.” I answered grumpily.

       “And why don’t you have a lovely lady yet?” Mr. McClain asked. God, this was so incredibly stupid. They don’t have a right to dictate my whole entire freaking life.

       “Well, I’m sorry that I don’t think that you telling me what to do in every aspect of my life is right.” I huffed, getting thoroughly annoyed now.

       “Niall, calm down mate.” Liam said.

       “Don’t tell me to calm down, Liam. They’re not making you come up with a girlfriend, are they?”

       “You know it does seem a little unfair. It’s not your choice if Niall has a girlfriend or not. It’s his life.” Harry defended me, and I was so glad I wasn’t alone on thinking this was unbelievable.

       “Yes, Harry. I understand that. But you lads aren’t normal guys. Niall has been single ever since you started, and people are starting that he is to immature to be in a serious relationship with a girl and it is hurting your image as a whole. He just needs to show that public that he is growing up a bit.”

       “How is it hurting our image as a whole? Our personal lives have nothing to do with our music!” Liam said in disbelief. I felt a lot better that all the boys were on board with me with this.

       “I understand that you don’t want to do this, Niall, but you have no choice in the matter. If you don’t come up with a girlfriend in the next 2 weeks, we will find one for you.” Mr. McClain got up and left the table at that.


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