Chapter 37

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"Well, he uh, told me that this wasn't the first time their management has tried to control them totally. He mentioned that, uh, he started dating you in the first place because they were requiring him to find a girlfriend in a specific time before they found one for him."

She must be joking. She really must be. Or am I just in denial? Maybe I've been in denial this whole time, actually thinking he cared for me.

So this was all an act. And here I was, thinking Niall actually fell for me. Thinking he cared for me. Wow, had I been naïve.

His manager said he needed a girlfriend, and there I was sitting at my little table in that café, the perfect target. There I sat, the perfect person to play and manipulate to get the boys ahead.

No emotion. That's what I felt. No emotion.

I wasn't upset necessarily. Okay, maybe I was. I didn't know what to feel. I never imagined I'd be in a situation quite like this. I always imagined being mad at a guy because he cheated on me, or hurt me, not because our relationship was fake.

"I'm so sorry, Torre." I just nodded. I wasn't mad at her. I was glad she told me. How much longer was he going to play this game with me?

"He loves you though, Torre. He told me he loves you. You might be the one he was forced to pick, but I can tell that he loves you and he truly means it. It might have been for show at first, but I truly believe it isn't anymore." She started talking like she could make it better, like Niall actually did care.

I should've known from the beginning. I should've known that Niall was way out of my league. It should have struck me funny that a celebrity like Niall would ever want to be with someone like me. But here I was, playing right into the palm of his hand. Here I was, just another pawn in their game.

I sat there, consumed with my thoughts as Spencer just stared at me.

"Well, thank you for telling me. I think I'll-I'll be going now." I was surprised I hadn't broke down yet, but that was probably because these were the last people I wanted to appear weak in front of.

"Okay, Torre. I'm sorry you had to find out this way." Spencer looked at me sympathetically, probably because she knows she just blew our whole relationship up. But really it wasn't her, it was Niall who did it. If he truly did fall in love with me along the way, why wouldn't he tell me the truth and honestly say it did all change?

I walked over to where the boys were in the pool. I was on autopilot, not even knowing what I was doing. Niall sat in the pool, laughing with all his friends. Everything was still perfect, according to him. He didn't know that his secret was out. He didn't know that nothing would ever be the same.

"Hey Tor. Wanna join us in the pool?"

"No." Was all I could manage out. Niall's smile vanished and he looked at me concerned.

"What's wrong babe?"

"Nothing. I think I'm gonna head home." Was all I said, and I went straight up the deck and to the door, not even thinking about taking Amy with me. I was just walking out the front door, when Niall caught up to me.

"Torre, what's wrong? Why are you leaving like this?"

"I-I don't want to do this now, Niall. Please, just let me go." I begged him. I didn't want to fight with him. Not now, anyway. I was hurt, utterly hurt, and I couldn't even think straight.

"No, Torre. Tell me what's wrong. I can't just let you leave upset like this. What's going on?"

"Like you don't know. I just want to go home, Niall." I said, starting to tear up, because he was still treating me like I was his world when I knew this was all just a joke to him and that hurt more than anything. I believed this was real the entire time.

"I don't know what? What are you talking about Torre?" He asked me, now a bit hysterical.

"I know everything Niall. I know how this is all just a publicity stunt for you. You never really loved me, in fact you never really liked me. I was just the easiest girl to get to believe that you did." I was crying now, as much as I didn't want to. I couldn't help it. I never thought I would be hurt like this.

His face was all the confirmation that I needed to know what Spencer told me was true. His eyes had a guilty look in them and his mouth formed into an 'O' shape. Obviously he never intended for me to find out about this.

"Torre-" He started, but I was having none of it, for now at least.

"No Niall. I don't want to talk about it right now. I need some time. I need so time to absorb all of this and really think about it. If you care about me in the least bit, you'll give me the time I need." Niall didn't say anything, but just nodded. Ricky and Amy came out the front door, both not knowing what in the world was going on.

"Ricky, take them home please." Niall said. Ricky hopped in the large black vehicle and Amy and I got in the back. Niall stood by the door.

"I do love you Torre." He said and gently closed the door shut beside me. As soon as the door closed, the tears were streaming down my cheeks.


"Torre, you've got to tell me what's wrong. Tell me what happened." Amy said, sitting next to me on my bed. I was still crying, not really sobbing, but more just acting pathetic and needy, which was the last thing I wanted to be. I still hadn't told Amy what happened. I was just so ashamed. Ashamed of myself, mostly. Mad that I let myself believe every word he said. Mad that I played right into the palm of his hand. Mad that I let myself fall for him.

"He's been using me. This whole time." I said slowly, dragging out each and every word.

"What do you mean he's been using you?"

"I mean his team said he needed a girlfriend to better his image and I was the first girl he laid eyes on. Everything was for show." Amy looked at me with sad eyes. 

"That can't be true, Torre. I've seen the way he looks at you, the way he treats you."

"Yeah, well, it's all just an act." I said. I just couldn't believe I bought into it. Or maybe I was just so infatuated with him I didn't see the warning signs. Either way, I was a fool.

"Well, I still believe he loves you. You can't fake love Torre." I didn't respond. I just pulled my covers over my head and laid in my bed, trying to shut myself out from the world. Amy left, I guess knowing that I just wanted to be alone. I tried to convince myself that I knew all along, but I couldn't. I was completely oblivious, in love. I was in love with somebody who didn't love me back.

Frustrated with my feelings and my thoughts, I fell asleep bundled up in my cocoon of pillows and blankets.

 {A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and comment! ~Macy}


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