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Torre POV

"Hi mom." I said, answering her call. She calls me everyday now, since she usually has no idea where I am.

"Hi honey! So good to hear from you. How are you doing? Where are you guys today?" All the time it was just constant questions, but I really couldn't blame her, I would worry if my daughter just up and left for the summer to travel the world with her boyfriend and her band. I couldn't really turn down the offer though. Niall asked me if I wanted to go with him and the guys on tour, since I was out of school for the summer and had nothing better to do. So, of course, I said yes, and I was having the time of my life. We have been to so many place and seen so many wonderful things. And Niall and I are better than ever. We're together all the time, for obvious reasons, and we've grown so much stronger because of everything that happened.

"We're in France, mom. The guys have a show tonight. We're all doing pretty good." I said. We continued to talk for awhile, talking about mostly random stuff. She just like to make sure I was doing okay, especially after Niall and I went public and things got a little rough for me. It wasn't easy getting used to the whole world being interested in me, and as much as I wished I could have ignored it, I did get upset a lot in the beginning, worrying about what people thought of me.

Niall helped me through it all though. He's been more than amazing. Once I just realized that none of it really matters besides Niall and I, and what we have, it's a lot easier to just ignore what people say about me.

Eliza checks up on me pretty regularly too. Or I check on her. I'm actually quite concerned about what's going on in our apartment when I'm gone...but then again, maybe I don't want to know. I made her promise she would not find a replacement roomate while I'm gone, which she gladly did, as long as I promised not to find another best friend, becuase really, who could give me better boy advice than her?

I wrapped things up on my phone call with my mom, and headed to the back-stage room Niall and Louis were in.

I entered the room, and Louis, Spencer, and Niall were all seated at a table, with a scrabble board sitting on the table.

Louis and Spencer are a thing now. In the end, the guys' management company actually did all of us a big favor, considering they were the reason both I and Niall and Spencer and Louis were together. Louis asked her to be his girlfriend right after the boys' new manager decided that Spencer would be the opening act for the tour.

She was beyond excited and so was he. And both Niall and I couldn't be happier for them. They were both together, getting to live their dreams of singing.

"Finally, you're back. We can start the game now." Louis said from the table.

"Thanks for waiting for me. You know how my mom checks in everyday." I said, taking a seat across from Niall.

"Well are we ready to start the game, then?" Spencer asked.

"I'm ready to beat all of you, especially you babe." Niall said, eyeing me up.

"Oh, you've just been sore since I beat you that one time." I taunted him back.

"Well, we'll see." Niall said. We started playing the game, and I did pretty well. We only had about an hour and a half because the boys had to go on stage for the show.

We were nearing the end of the game, and I knew I was going to lose. Niall only had one tile left, and he was way ahead of any of us in points.

"Got it." He said, and placed an 'e' on the end of 'her' to make it 'here.' "And that's the game, guys. I won." He said triumphantly. We all groaned. "That's right, be upset." He teased.

"Does the champion get a congratulatory kiss?" Niall asked.

"I don't know." I teased, walking over to him. I sat down in his lap and brought my lips to his, kissing him slowly.

It was in that moment that I realized, that just like all the tiles in that game of scrabble fit into one another, all the pieces of my life were fitting together. I had getting my degree at school, I had all these new friends I had met, and most importantly, I had Niall. Although I had been doubtful about all of this the entire time, everything came together in the end. And now, I feel like this is the right moment for me.

 {A/N: I can't believe this is the end! :D It makes me sad, but happy at the same time. It's kind of bittersweet!I want to thank all of you for taking the time to read this. It truly means the world to me! And thank you to any of you who have voted and commented along the way.

I'm working on a new Harry Fanfic, so follow me to get updates on that!

Once again, thanks all you lovely people for reading this, I love you all!

~Macy x}

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