Chapter 29

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Victoria POV

Niall held my hand as we rode in the car together. We were on our way to a small restaurant named "Emma's."

"So how was the interview?" I asked. It was the first time I'd gotten a chance to ask him since he came back.

"It was boring. Incredibly boring and the interview was super annoying. So yeah."

"Oh, sorry!" I said sympathetically. "What'd they ask about." I figured if he would have said anything about 'us' he would have told me, but I wanted to make sure without flat out asking if we were 'public' yet.

"They asked about the new album, the upcoming tour. Mostly band stuff." Niall said. My heart sank a little that he still hadn't told anyone, but at the same time I was a bit relieved that things wouldn't be getting too crazy just yet. It's kind of bittersweet.

"That's cool...I guess." I laughed.

"This is more cool." He said, and leaned in, pressing his lips to mine. He was smooth. Knew how to sweep a girl off her feet, that's for sure.

We soon arrived to the restaurant, the other cars following behind. The driver dropped us off right at the door and we walked in with the others.

"So what did you do on the way here? Snog the whole time?" Louis asked as the waitress led us to our table.

"Maybe, maybe not. Guess you'll never know." Niall said, giving him a smirk as I just laughed. We all sat down, me next to Niall, with Zayn on the other side, and all the others sitting around the table. We all mostly chattered among yourselves until we ordered our food, which gave me a good opportunity to talk to Zayn and get to know him a little better. He's the one I've had the least interaction with, because he's a little bit more shy and I'm shy, so together there's very little interaction. But hopefully that will change. Something about Zayn intrigues me, not in a romantic way, just in a curious way. I like the way he carries himself. That's why I'm pushing out of my comfort zone to get to know him better. I sat talking to him while Niall was engaged in a debate with Harry that went something along the lines of "Ireland is the best country in the world."

"So you have a girlfriend, right?" I asked. I wasn't totally oblivious to these boys' lives. His face lit up immediately when I brought Perrie up.

"Yeah, yeah. Perrie, she's amazing." he said, smiling towards me.

"That's so good. I'm so happy for you guys."

"Yeah, it's a bit hard sometimes, being away from her and stuff for so long, but we work through it. You and Niall will understand soon enough."

"Yeah. I know that's coming and I'm not looking forward to it." I said truthfully. It had been weighing on my mind lately, but I tried not to think about it. Knowing that Zayn and Perrie were still going strong through the distance was encouraging though.

"Well it'll be hard, but it'll be fine. Believe me, Niall is so ready for this and working for your relationship." My heart fluttered at his words.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Oh yeah. He has been really concerned for you and how your whole relationship was going to work from the very beginning. He's been really serious about it from day one. Always worried about how it's going to effect you and everything." Hearing Zayn's words eased every doubt in my mind. If Niall was worried and being careful about how this was all working, than I really had nothing to worry about, because I know that Niall will do anything he has to do to protect me. That may seem intense since we haven't been together for very long, but some things you know. You just know.

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