Chapter 30

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Torre POV

Later that night, I sat in the living room of the apartment, my phone in hand. I was getting ready to call my mom to set up a good time for Niall and I to come to dinner when Eliza walked in.

"Hello darling." She greeted, setting all her bags down on the counter.

"Hi." I said.

"Haven't seen you all day. Where have you been my little lover?" Eliza said, plopping down on the couch next to me.

"I was with Niall. I went to an interview and then we went out to lunch and then out for ice cream too." I admitted. We actually did spend the whole day together...

"Wow you're really smitten." She giggled with a smirk.

"Oh come on. We just spent the day together. And we've been together for like 3 weeks. I'm not smitten." I argued. I may really, really like Niall, but I would never let myself fall that hard, that fast. I'm much more reasonable than that.

"Don't deny it babe, you're in loooovvveeee." She said in a singsong voice and waltzed her way into her room. I am not smitten.

With Eliza's grand exit, I now dialed my home phone number, hoping to reach my mom. Not surprisingly, she picked up on the first ring.

"Hi Torre! So good to hear from you." She said very excitedly from the other line.

"You too, mom. Sorry I've been so busy lately, I haven't made many calls home. How is everyone?" I asked.

"We're all good. Nothing exciting around here, ya know. But what about you sweetie? Whatever happened with you and that Niall boy?" She asked. Goodness, she sounded so stereo-typical motherly.

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about." I started.

"What? What's going on?" She asked. She was trying to act calm, but she's been dying to help me with boy drama that's never come since the sixth grade.

"Well, me and Niall, are pretty much...official now, I guess you could say. Like, we're dating." I said.

"What?! Oh, I'm so happy for you Tor. And how are things going?" She gushed. I knew she would react like this.

"They're going good, really good, actually, and I really want him to meet you guys."

"Oh that would be wonderful, dear." She said. She was pretty much squealing over the phone now.

"Yeah, so could we like come for dinner or something next week?"

"Yes, is Tuesday night okay?" She asked.

"Let me check with Niall, but I'm sure that will be fine." I said. There was a ruffling noise through the phone and before I knew it, my sister was on the line.

"TORRE, what is going on? What have you not been telling me?" She asked. I mentally groaned. As close as my sister and I were, I had purposely been ignoring her texts and calls because I just know when I tell her Niall and I are dating she's going to freak out and get all weird and excited for me and it will just be this big ordeal. But I guess there's no escaping it now, is there?

"Well, uh, Amy...Niall and I are dating!" I said.

"WHAT? And you waited this long to tell me? How long has this been going on?" She demanded.

"Um... a couple weeks." I said. However, she didn't react like I expected her to. She actually acted mature.

"Well, Torre, I'm so happy for you. My big sister is finally growing up." She teased.

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