Chapter 15

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    I breathed a sigh of relief when  Torre agreed to hang out with me again tomorrow. It’s not like I thought she wouldn’t, but the guilt is eating away at me and to have her agree so easily makes it just a little less horrible. We were getting ready for an interview today, and Management had told me when asked about relationship status and pictures of Victoria and I from last night to not really answer questions but to say she is a “great girl.” This is just so freaking stupid.

    “Hey man. How’s it going?” Harry walked into the dressing room.

    “It’s going. I guess.”

    “Still having a hard time with the girlfriend thing?” Harry asked with a sympathetic look on his face.

    “It’s just so unfair to her.” I said.

    “Yeah, I know. I can’t believe that they’re making you do this.” Harry said, when a director came in and told us that the interview would start in five and we needed to go get in our position. “It’ll all work out, mate. I don’t know Victoria, but I’m sure she’ll end up okay.” We headed out and took a seat on the couch for the interview. It started, and they asked the usual questions about the music, tour-life, and here came the girlfriend rumors.

    “So, Niall, we saw you were out with a lovely lady last night? What’s the story on you two?” The interviewer asked with questioning eyes.

    “There’s not really a story. Victoria is a wonderful girl, and yeah. She’s really cool.”

    “Hmmm...Is there a teeny tiny spark between you two?” he continued to drag it out.

    “Nothing to tell, yet. But I hope there will be.”  There that should be good enough for them. He then moved on to Harry and asking him if he had any new love interest. The rest of the interview went by in a drag and to be honest I was over it. Over it all. After the interview was over all the boys went out to get something to eat together, but I just didn’t feel like it. I went home and sat myself down in front of the TV for the rest of the night.



    I was still laying on the couch when Eliza walked through the door at 10pm.  “Hello, love.” she yelled when she came in to see me watching about the hundredth “One Direction Funny Moments” video on YouTube. I just couldn’t help myself. I had to find out more about him, right?

    “Well, well, well. What are you watching there, Tor?” she said with a smirk on her face, taking a seat on the couch next to me.

    “I mean, I had to find out a little more about him, right?” I said, jokingly.

    “Sure. Someone’s falling hard, aren’t they?” she chuckled.

    “Yeah, yeah I guess I am.” I said, the sudden realization hitting me. I had gone on one date, one date with Niall and here I am, like stalking him over social media. What was the harm? Just a broken heart, my subconscious reminded me. “We’re hanging out again tomorrow.” I said, pushing the bad thoughts to the back of my mind.

    “Really? That’s great, Torre. I really am so happy for you. Now press play, I would like to see more of these ridiculously hot five boys.” she said, taking the phone from my hand.

    “Just stay away from the blonde one, he’s mine.”


    It was now 12:55 and Niall would be here any minute. Surprisingly enough, I wasn’t nervous. At least, I didn’t feel as nervous as I thought I would, considering I was going out with Niall Horan. There was a knock at the door. I grabbed my purse and went to open the door. There stood Niall, looking cute as ever, in a white tee-shirt and pair of dark wash jeans. He had black Ray Bans still covering his eyes, even though we were inside. A smile graced his lips when I answered the door.

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