Chapter 41

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Niall POV

*Hey Niall. I think we need to meet up and sort some things out*

That buzz was music to my ears. I'm so relieved that she asked for this first, because I was going to ask her to meet up too. All I want to do is work things out with her. That's all I want.

I'm sure Torre's heard the news already. Its blown up on twitter and all over the internet, so there's no way she couldn't have.

*Hi Torre. I think that would be a great idea. I can pick you up tomorrow?* I quickly texted back, not wasting any time.

*I have class in the morning, but I'll be free in the afternoon.*

*I'll pick you up at the University then, and we can talk?*

*Yeah, sure that sounds fine.*

Thank goodness she's agreed to meeting me. I just feel like I need to explain all of this to her. I need to apologize to her. I should have told her straight away about everything, but being stupid as I am, I waited and waited. I actually thought that I could hide it from her and it would never come back to haunt me. How wrong was I?

"What did she say?" Harry asked from the couch beside me.

"We're going to meet tomorrow and talk." I told him.

"That's good. I mean it's a good sign. Hopefully you'll be able to talk things through with her." Harry said encouragingly.

"Yeah. I just, I'm so mad at myself. Why did I think it would ever be okay to hide this from her? Why did I think she would never find out? I mean, it wasn't Spencer's fault, she had no idea that Torre didn't know. It's all my fault. I'm the sole reason that she's hurting right now." Harry didn't speak right away, he just nodded and looked like he was taking in everything I said.

"Well," He finally spoke. "At the time, it didn't seem like you should bother her with it. That was pretty much over and we obviously wouldn't have said anything to her. But when Spencer was brought into it and it really became a mess, it was almost too late to tell her. I mean, mind you, it would have been better for you to tell her than the way she found out, but by then, you had already been dating for awhile and it would seem silly to just drop that bomb on her at that point." Harry said.

And he was pretty much right. I should have told her, and I should have done it in the beginning. But I can't change that now. All I can do is my best to apologize and show Torre how much she really means to me.

"So what are you planning on doing then?" Harry asked me.

"I have no idea. I want to do something to prove to her that this is all real, but I'm just not sure what I should do."

"You could get her a gift?" Harry suggested.

"No, I don't think that's good enough. I need to show her that she means the world to me."

"Well, we broke with management, so that should help too."

"I know, I still need to do something else." I said, trying to think of what I could do that would ever be good enough.

"You could write a song for her." Harry suggested.

"That's romantic. But I feel like it's too typical. Too expected."

"Well, what if you wrote her a letter, or a list of all the reasons why you fell in love with her. Then she'll know you really did fall in love with her, not because you had to, but because of how amazing she is." Harry explained. That's a good idea. It's right what I'm going for. Harry's always been the most romantic of all of us.

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