Chapter 28

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Victoria POV

I stood at the bathroom mirror, finishing getting ready. Ricky would be here any minute to pick me up to get me over to the studio where the boys were being interviewed. I have to admit, I was quite flattered when Niall asked if I would like to join him. It is still crazy to me how in his glamorous world, he still chose to be around average me.

I finished pinning my hair in a bun on the side of my head and applied some light make-up before deciding I looked pretty good. I was wearing a pair of dark-wash skinny jeans and a light blue quarter-sleeve blouse with my white flowered Toms. It wasn't very flashy, but it was one of my cuter outfits and decided it would have to work.

I grabbed my purse and headed down to the entrance of the building. It was a beautiful spring day, and when I exited through the front doors, a smile took over my face when I saw the sun was shining brightly. The sun always had a way of brightening my spirits, as strange as that sounds.

I immediately saw the big, black vehicle with Ricky sitting in the front seat, parked in front of the curb. I hurried over and opened the door, hopping in.

"Hello Victoria. How are you?" He asked politely, as I buckled my seatbelt and got situated in the car.

"Very well thanks. You?"

"Pretty good. So I'm taking you to the boy's interview?"

"Yes please!" I said with a smile.

"Wherever you want." He said, and with that took off down the road.

The ride there was quiet, but I didn't mind much. Before you knew it, he pulled up to a building and parked.

"I'm supposed to make sure you get in okay." He said when I gave him a questioning glance. "Niall wanted to make sure there were no issues." It was very sweet of him to make sure I got in okay. It just proved how caring he was.

"Okay!" I said, and followed him in. At the door, there was a big man with huge arms standing there waiting. Ricky pulled out a card and the man opened the door for us and let us through. We went down a long hallway, which almost looked like a warehouse, when we soon arrived to a small room. Ricky knocked on the door, and when it swung open, Niall was there standing on the other side, a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Hey there!" He said, pulling me into his arms.

"Hi." I said, squeezing him back.

"Thanks Ricky for making sure she got in here okay." Niall said, shaking his hand.

"No problem. I'll have my phone on all day if any of you need anything else." he said, and with that, walked back down the hallway we came from. I looked around the room to see Lou Teasdale doing Zayn's hair and the rest of the boys just sitting, waiting for the interview to start. Lux was sitting on the ground, playing with some blocks.

"Long time no see." Niall joked, pecking me on the lips. I blushed in response, embarrassed that he kissed me right in front of everyone.


"Hey Torre!" Harry said from his seat on the couch.

"Hey guys." I said back. I would never get used to the fact that all the boys seemed so normal. It was like the fact that they were famous was totally oblivious to them, and they just went in with their daily lives. It was quite intriguing really.

"So you're here to watch the interview?" Liam asked as Niall and I took a seat on one of the couches in the room.

"Yeah. I had nothing else going on today and Niall asked if I wanted to come." I said and Niall nodded his head in agreement.

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