Chapter 6

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“So read pages 150-200 to be prepared for the test next class. You’re dismissed.” My Professor dismissed us and everyone started packing up their stuff and filing out the door.

“Don’t you even think about walking out that door. You have some talking to do.” Eliza warned, and I shot her a straight smile back. I waited for her and we walked out into the brisk fall-afternoon breeze-filled air, our bags slung over our shoulders.

“So, what was with that giddy school-girl smile this morning? And don’t even try to play it off like it was nothing, because I could tell you weren’t paying any attention during class either, you were in La La Land obviously.” Eliza rushed the words out and turned to look at me questionably.

“Well, Eliza. You will not believe what happened to me this morning. So, I was walking to class and I got stuck in this horde of girls and they told me that they were chasing Niall Horan.”

“From One Direction?” Eliza questioned.

“Yeah. And so then I realized that when I had been at a stoplight earlier, like five minutes earlier, he had been there too and he had talked to me and I didn’t even know it was him, not like I’m a huge fan or anything, though.”

“Okay, go on. That wasn’t the end of the story, was it?”

No. Of course not. That wouldn’t have been that great, I mean this is L.A. So anyway, everything calmed down, and the teenage girls dispersed and I was already late to class, so I decided to go to that little café on the corner, and he just walked in.”

“Who do you mean, he?”

“He as in Niall Horan. Now, I’m not like a super fan or anything, so this wasn’t like ‘the greatest moment of my life’ or anything. But then, he came over and talked to me. Liza, you don’t understand, no guy ever talks to me. And then, out of nowhere, a celebrity does. I mean, I would have been fine if it was just normal male attention, but Liza, a celebrity!” I couldn’t help but show my excitement. It was just so abnormal for stuff like this to happen to me, and I couldn’t help but let all of my emotions come out.

“Omygod.” She said, shocked. “Torre. This is a HUGE deal. It’s finally happening. I can tell something great is going to come out of this. You exchanged numbers, right.”

“Yeah. And he said he’d talk to me soon when he left.”

“Well now we just have to wait for him to contact you! This is a big deal, Torre.”

“I know.” I answered.

“Well I have to go to my next class, so I’ll see you at home, then?”

“Yeah. I have some errands to run and then I’ll be home tonight.”

"Great. Bye. If he texts you, you better tell me!”

“Oh, I will!” you said, and you parted ways

{A/N: So we'll be getting back to Niall's POV soon! I know I keep saying the chapters will get longer and I promise they will soon! Thanks for reading and please comment and vote!}


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