Chapter 18

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"Victoria...I" I stopped. I can't do it. I can't end things with her. I can't tell her the truth. When I was singing to her back there and then when I kissed her, I didn't know what to do. She affects me in ways no other girls have. The way she giggled at me when I hummed, the way her eyes light up, just as I'm about to kiss her. The way her body feels pressed against mine. The way her lips move in sync with mine. The way I can hear her heart beat when she comes near me.

I can't hurt her. I can't be without her. I can't go two minutes without thinking about her. I can't break up with her.

"What Niall?" she asked, a worried look on her face. And now I've made her think she's a bad kisser, which is the farthest thing from the truth. That was the best kiss I've ever had. And here I am leaving her wondering and worrying about what is going on. But I can't break up with her like I planned.

"Victoria, I just...I really like you." I said. A relieved look took over her face.

"Are you sure, you seemed upset about something." she pressed.

"Yes. Yes, I'm sure. You just...affect a way. I just, I'm surprised at how much I like you and my emotions just caught me off guard. I'm sorry for ruining the moment." she looked at me with a sympathetic gaze.

"No, no it's fine. I just want to make sure I didn't do anything wrong."

"No you're absolutely amazing. Really amazing. You did nothing wrong." I said, smiling and pulling her so she was cuddled into my chest now.

"As long as you're okay." she said. She was so caring.

"I'm fine. Better than ever." I said. We just laid there for a minute, neither of us knowing what to say. She broke the silence after a minute, standing up.

"Shall we go finish the cookies then?" she asked, a smile on her face and her hand reaching out pulling me up.

"Absolutely." We went to the kitchen and finished mixing up the cookie dough. Then, we dropped the cookie dough on the baking sheets and put them in the oven. I set the timer for 9 minutes and we headed back into the living room.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" She asked me. I can't imagine anything better right now. Just being able to hold her close in my arms seemed wonderful at this moment.

"Yeah, definitely." She put a DVD in and sat down on the couch. She was too far away for my liking, so I reached over and pulled her closer to me. I could see her smile, even though her face wasn't facing me. I draped a blanket over us as we watched the movie. As she laid in my arms, I knew I had only created more problems for myself by not ending things with her, but at this moment, I didn't care. I had the most beautiful, wonderful girl in my arms, and at this point, I didn't plan on letting her go.


As I laid in his arms, I was relieved, but I wasn't completely satisfied with his answer. I still feel like he's somewhat upset about something. I'm just glad that it was nothing that I did. And what he told me did make me feel really happy. He thinks I'm amazing. Just those words made the butterflies in my stomach flutter even more than they already were. I don't want to push anything or make him more upset, so I just decide to let it go, and hope he's okay.

Just laying here cuddling while watching a movie has been my favorite thing we've done yet. It's so relaxing. The way his strong hold makes me feel safe. The way he nuzzles his head into my neck. It's wonderful. I just feel...content. I know this is crazy, considering I've only known him for all of two weeks, but I could stay like this---with him forever.

 {A/N: Sorry it's short, but I figured it would be better than nothing! Thanks to everyone who is voting! You have no idea how much I appreciate it! Do you think Niall made the right choice?! Comment what you think and vote please <3 }

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