Chapter 13

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I froze in my tracks, not quite sure what to do.

“Go answer the door, silly.” Eliza said, urging me that way. My stomach was in knots, and I can honestly say I’ve never been more nervous. I came up to the door and plastered a smile on my face. I took a deep breath before  opening the door to see an ever-so-handsome looking Niall.

“Hi.” Niall said, his eye traveling up and down my body when he saw me.

    “Hey.” I said back.

    “You look beautiful, Torre.” he said, still standing in the hallway.

    “Thank you very much. You look very handsome.” I said, motioning for him to come in.

    “Thank you. Are you ready to go?” he asked politely.

    “Yeah, just let me grab my purse.” I grabbed my purse from the hook by the door, and turned back to see him staring intently at me.I blushed under his heavy gaze, and his face broke into a smile.

    “You’re cute when you blush.” he said, and I let out a slight giggle. What was happening to me? I’ve always been a really serious, level-headed person, and here I am, Niall giving me one little compliment, and giggling like a giddy school girl. Keep your head on straight and don’t become too attached. I subconsciously reminded myself. I closed the door to the apartment behind me, giving a sigh of relief that Eliza never made an appearance. She had been threatening to go and introduce herself all day, but I think I always knew she was kidding, although it would be something she would do.

    “I’m really excited for tonight.” I said, trying to make conversation while we were walking down the hallway.

    “Me too. I’ve got a nice evening planned for us. Well, at least I think it’s nice.” he said.

    “I’m sure it’s more than nice, Niall. What exactly are we doing?” I questioned, surprised that on my first date ever I wasn’t a nervous, stuttering mess.

    “That would ruin the surprise, wouldn’t it.” he smirked.

    “Oh.” I said.

    “Don’t worry. I don’t know you very well, but I’m sure you’ll love it.” he said, and I smiled at him. He just had a natural charm about him. As we exited the apartment building, I was surprised to see not a black, fancy car that all celebrities seemed to drive, but an older convertible, straight out of a Hollywood movie.

    “Wow, nice car.” I blurted out, before I could think out my words.

    “Thanks. It’s my favorite car I own. I thought this one would be fun to drive us around in.”

    “Absolutely.” you agreed with him. I reached to the door handle, when I felt Niall’s hand stop mine.

    “I’ve got it.” he said and opened the door for me, holding my hand while  I stepped into the car. Gosh, Eliza even told me to let him open the door and here I am already messing the first thing up. The rest of the night should be interesting. Niall hopped into the car beside you and started driving.

    “So, the first thing on our list tonight is dinner. Do you like Italian food?”  he asked sweetly. Got that one right, Italian is my favorite.

    “Yeah, it’s my favorite, actually.” I said.

    “Great! Well this is my favorite Italian restaurant in LA. I always come here at least once when we’re in town. I’m sure you know about my love for food. The fans seem to think my stomach is never ending or something.” he laughed out. Ooohh his laugh was adorable. No, Victoria. Don’t get too invested.

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