Chapter 10

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    I hung up the phone, feeling a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders.  She fell for it. She’s going on a date with me. That’s all I need, for now. I’ll go on the date, take her to a very public place, the paps will get some nice pictures, the rumors will spread, and that will be all the small bit of publicity I need. It will be a harmless one date. I was so lucky that I met her this morning. She really is a pretty girl, and I wouldn’t mind actually getting to know her, because she seems really cool, but I know it would be best for everyone if I didn’t have the responsibility of a relationship right now.

    Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I don’t get lonely, because I do, especially when I see some of the other guys’ with their girlfriends. But that’s just it, too. I see the other guys’ with their girlfriends. I don’t want to have to leave my girl for 5 months while I’m on tour. That would just be torture for both of us. And all the things that come along with being a 1D girlfriend. The hate, the publicity, the never having a private moment in their life. It’s a lot and I just don’t want to deal with that right now. I wish that Management would realize that and just let this whole thing go.

    It’s not fair to anyone. It’s not fair that I have to be the one to get a girlfriend. It’s not fair to Victoria that I’m basically tricking her into thinking I  want to be with her  when all l  really need from her is to say she’s my girlfriend and pose for a couple pictures. This whole thing is  just absolute crap.

    I sat thinking on the bed of my room in the house the boys and I rented while we are staying here in LA, when I was interrupted by a knock on my door. Before I could even answer, Harry appeared in the doorway.

    “Hey mate. What’s up?” I asked as he walked into the room.

    “I was just coming to check up on you. I know you were a upset after the meeting today.” Harry said, sympathetically.

    “Yeah. I’m okay, I guess. The whole thing is freaking stupid, but I just want to get it over with. Show up with someone a couple of times and then be done with it.” Harry nodded understandingly.

    “So have you found someone to agree to doing that with you?” Harry asked, with an unsure look on his face. Should I tell him the truth? That I’m basically planning on using Torre for publicity and then dumping her?

    “Well that’s the thing…”I started.
    “Niall, what are you planning?” he asked with an unsure look on his face.

    “Harry, you know how hard it is to meet people. I mean, yeah, I can basically go out and get any girl, but I’m pretty sure not one would agree to going on two dates and then having nothing to do with each other.” I explained.

    “So what are you planning to do, then? Not tell her? Actually let her believe that you like her?”

    “It’s not that I don’t like her. I’ve been looking for someone to catch my eye ever since they mentioned me getting a girlfriend a month ago, it’s just, we both know how hard it would be to have a relationship right now, and I don’t want to. But I can’t believe that she would agree to date me for publicity!” I desperately tried to get Harry to see my point. He, of all people should understand, since he hasn’t had a long, serious relationship since we started this career.

    “But think of how much it’s going to hurt her, when she finds out, because she will, eventually, Niall.” Harry said.

    “I know, Harry. And the last thing I want to do is hurt anyone, but my hands are tied. If I don’t find someone myself, management will. And we both know they’d set me up with some skank model.”

    “I guess you’re right. You just have to be careful.” Harry warned.

    “I know. I’ve already thought a lot about it. Victoria is a really sweet girl, and I’m trying to make this whole process as easy and painless as possible. I’m just going to let her down before she can get too invested.”

    “Yeah. Well good luck man. You know the boys and I are totally on your side with this.”

    “Yeah, I know. Thanks.”

    “Well I’m off to bed. Goodnight.” Harry said and left the room. I decided I better head off to sleep too, that is if I can fall asleep. My mind has been racing all day, just trying to figure this whole situation out and get through it without hurting anyone as much  as possible. I stripped down to my boxers, and slipped into bed, trying my best to clear my head and fall asleep.

{A/N: I've loved looking at some of your guys' comments! You're all so sweet! Thank you again so much for reading, and please vote!! Can I get 5 votes for the next chapter? :) }

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