Chapter 20

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I was in the library at school, packing all my books in my bag and getting ready to leave when my phone rang. I hurriedly pressed answer before the loud ringing disturbed anyone else. I slung my bag over my shoulder and headed out onto the sidewalk.


"Hey honey. Are you in class?"

"Torreeeee." My sister, Amelia said over the line. I must be on speaker phone.

"Oh hey mom, and Amy. No I was at the library, but I'm heading home now." I felt a tinge of guilt when I realized I hadn't talked to her since Sunday night and it was now Thursday afternoon. I usually don't go more than a couple days without talking to her or my sister. I still haven't told her about Niall

"Oh well we were was just calling to talk. We haven't heard from you all week."

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I've just been super busy." I said.

"Yeah, we know. So what's the story between you and Niall? You were just on E News. Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Amy rushed out. She was a lot like Eliza. She was only two years younger than me, so we are really close.

"Oh, you know about all that?" I asked. I kinda wanted to be the one to tell them, but I guess it's my fault for waiting so long. I should've known that they would find out from the news. I always seem to forget that Niall's famous. He doesn't act like it at all, so I guess it just slips my mind.

"Of course we know about it. You're all over the internet."

"Really? I hadn't even checked anything like that." I said, and it was the truth. I had a twitter, however I wasn't very active on it and really only used it to look at other people's stuff. I only had like 20 followers.

"Yeah, well you might want to." They both said.

"So what's the story, huh?" My mom asked nosily. I was best friends with my mom, so this wasn't awkward.

"Well, it all started when we met in a café." I started, and told them the whole story. I then went on to tell her about our first date, and then when we went to the mall, the kiss, the pool party and when we made cookies.

"Well I'm very happy for you, sweetie. Just be careful, okay? I don't want you to get hurt. I just don't know about you dating a celebrity." She said a little worried.

"I know mom. Don't worry, we've been taking things pretty slow. I've kinda prepared myself in case this doesn't work out." That was a complete lie. I was in no way prepared for the end of this. I'd be a complete mess. But best not let mom worry.

"I think it's freaking cool. When do I get to meet him, Tor." Amy said. I knew she would react this way.

"Um, I don't know. He really hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet. He only met Eliza cause she lives here. I'm not really sure where we're going from this point." I said truthfully. I don't really know where we are or where we're going. He's made it clear he wants to be more than friends, but still hasn't asked me to be his girl.

"Well when he does, you better call me up and arrange a meeting. I'll get one of the other boys to like me and we can double date." she said jokingly.

"Yeah, that would be nice. We could double date." I said, laughing out loud. Everyone on the street stared at me but I didn't care.

"Well, I don't know how your father is going to react to this. He always wanted to meet your date before you went out, but never got the chance." I did feel a bit bad about that, but since I never dated in High School, it wasn't my fault. He's had the chance with Amy, that will have to be enough.

"Yeah, I'll leave you guys to tell him about this." I said.

"I got you girl." Amy said. I was just about to the apartment.

"Thanks.Well I've got to go. I'm just getting home. I'll talk to you guys soon."

"Goodbye, love you."

"Bye sis."

"Goodbye." I hung up the phone and headed up. That went fairly well. I could sense my mom's hesitation, but at least she's not totally against it. It will all work out, at least I hope so.

{A/N: Once again, thanks to all who vote and comment! I'll try to update again within the next couple days :D }

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