Chapter 23

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"I can't believe you did all this, Niall. It's amazing, so romantic." I said. "And you even got the boys to help!" He chuckled at that one.

"Well, it took a little convincing, but eventually they agreed. And I apologize in advance if the food is bad. I'm not sure how good of cooks Liam and Harry are."

"I'm sure it will be fine." We were interrupted when Louis and Zayn came back out, a little notepad in Zayn's hand. This was adorable...and kind of hilarious.

"So, tonight we are having a special of salad, Italian-style spaghetti, and garlic bread. What can I interest you in?"

"Um...I think I'll have...the spaghetti." I laughed.

"Excellent choice, ma'am. I've heard it's wonderful." Louis joked.

"Believe it or not, I'll have the same." Niall said.

"Okay, we will have that coming right up." Zayn said, and the two of them made their way back up to the house.

"So, Torre. I have an idea for when we're waiting."

"Oh yeah, and what would that be?" I asked.

"Twenty questions?" Niall suggested with curious eyes. What was he up to?


"I'll start then. Question one...when is your birthday?"

"My birthday is August 10th, I'm 19, if you didn't already figure that out." I laughed out. Why did I have to be so awkward? "And same question for you."

"September 13th, 1993, so I'm 20, if you didn't already know that." he said with a wink. He was so cute! "Okay, next question...I already know about your family...hmm...where did you grow up?" This should be interesting. I took a deep breath before beginning.

"Well, I was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. I lived there until I was about three, and then my dad got a new job with a national marketing company. My sister was just a baby, but we all moved to Minneapolis with the new job. Then, when I was five, he got transferred to New York. We lived there for about a year, until we went to, um, I think Seattle next. We stayed there for three years. That was a long one. I loved Seattle. Eventually though, we went to Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Indianapolis, and then here in LA. After we moved here though, my dad quit his job. The moving around was just too hard on all of us."

"Luckily I got to finish my last two years of high school in the same place, so I actually made some good friends, and then, obviously I wanted to stay close for college, so I chose the college I chose. Does that answer your question?" I said a bit playfully, but it was actually a hard subject for me to talk about. Moving around was so hard on me as a kid.

"Yeah. Oh wow. I never would've guessed." Niall explained, with a bewildered look on his face. "I can't imagine moving around and all that."

"It was really hard. I just never felt like I actually belonged somewhere, because once I would finally get used to somewhere, we would just move again to some new place. I never really made good friends, because there was never enough time to form solid friendships. I guess that's why I'm so attached to my family. They were basically the only thing around me that really stayed the same."

"I'm so sorry. That must have been so hard on you." Niall said sympathetically, grabbing my hand from across the table and sending butterflies fluttering through me again. Darn butterflies.

"Ehh, I made it through. Enough about me." I said, trying to change the subject. "What was it like for you growing up?" I asked, wanting to know more about his childhood.

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