Chapter 32

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Niall POV

I was sitting there thinking she may not show up and I might be off the hook until a later time, when I saw the doors to the restaurant open, and in walked what seemed would be the death of me.

There stood Spencer Collins at the doors of this restaurant, a whole string of people standing behind her, very much to my displeasure paparazzi included. She stood there for a minute, definitely making an entrance. She stood there giving the restaurant a calculating look for a minute and carefully moving her black cat-eye sunglasses from around her eyes and perching them above her ears. She was wearing a black romper with a red sweater and belt. She had sparkly tights on. I was a bit underdressed compared to her, but what did I care?

She peered around the restaurant and her eyes settled on me. She smiled knowingly and slowly sauntered her way over to me. She was short, but in a cute way and had light brown dark blondish hair. She would be pretty if I wasn't dating Torre. I was so busy giving her the once over I momentarily forgot the disaster she brought in with her.

The flashes reminded me though. The photographers weren't allowed inside the restaurant, but they didn't need to be. They could see plenty clear through the open doors and windows. Spencer was now nearly at the table and turned around and waved to the paps. I already had a major headache and I haven't even talked to her yet.

She turned around and gave me a sweet smile before sitting down.

"Hello Spencer." I forced out. If I wanted her to cooperate, I would have to be nice.

"Hi Niall. Nice to finally meet you!" She said.

"Yes, same."

"I've been a fan for ages, by the way."

"Really, uh, thanks." I hadn't even heard of her before two days ago. "Your stuff is pretty good too." I lied.

"Why thank you." She dramatically. I didn't know exactly what to say, so I just decided to dive right in to the situation.

"So, um, obviously we both know the situation here." I started.

"Yeah, our teams have made an agreement to have us date publicly." She said flat-out.

"Well yeah. The problem is, I have a girlfriend and I was told that I needed to find a girlfriend, so I did. Well now they want me to dump her and date you, and no offense to you, but I actually really like my girlfriend."

"So you don't want to be with me." She said. She didn't sound offended or upset, if anything, she gave me a sympathetic looked and seemed as if she actually cared about my situation.

"Well, I wouldn't say it like that. It's just, I'm already with someone. And the main point is that I don't like management trying to control my life. It's not fair to me and it's not what I signed up for. I don't mean to offend you, but I'm not going to even pretend to date you." She was quiet for a long moment, and I thought this would be the moment where she freaks out on me and tells me off. Finally, she spoke.

"I totally respect your decision." was all she said. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. This had to be a dream. It was all too easy.

"I-I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting you to react like that." I admitted, not quite sure what to say. She sighed.

"Yeah, most people don't quite understand me. They pin celebrities down as these robots, sort of. Robots with no feeling, no emotion, no morals to stand for, and believe me, I've met lots of other celebrities who are like that. As much as I love you and your band Niall, I understand you're still a person, just trying to be happy. You're not a puppet to control for other people, you're your own person." I sat there in shock. For being as young as she was (not that I was any older) she sure seemed wise beyond her years. The words she just spoke to me was one of the truest things I think anyone has described to me, and for that I will always be grateful for. "Plus, I never really liked this plan in the first place, and now I especially don't like it that I found out you had nothing to do with coming up with it. I just go along with some things because my management has a hard time keeping up with me and my plans." She started laughing at herself, and I couldn't help but chuckle at her carefree, random attitude also. "I definitely keep them on their toes."

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