Chapter 5

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I sat back down in the chair at my table. What, in the world? My head was going crazy, with millions of random thoughts running through it. I decided I would sit down, figure out what the heck was going on and how I was going to handle it from now on.

I ran through the whole thing again in my head. He came in, sat down, and then came to talk to me.  He seemed really nice, but I’m not one of those girls, who are all about their image, and what they look like and have to be seen as “perfect.” I’m not one of those girls and all the girls that date celebrities are like that. I mean, I want to date him; I do, if he even wants to date me. But not because he’s ‘Niall Horan’ from One Direction. I want to date him because he’s the first guy who’s shown interest in me in a very, very long time and I’m kind of attracted to him too. But who wouldn’t be?

Dating him, or even being seen with him, though will have so many drawbacks. Everything will get crazy. There will be fans, paparazzi, rumors. I don’t know if I can handle that. Maybe I’m overthinking this. Maybe he just wants to hang out. But he did say he was attracted to me, drawn to me. Oh gosh. What do I do? I’ve always been one to overthink things.

I get another cup of coffee and think some more. I decide that I want to have fun in life, and this is a once in a lifetime chance, and no matter what may come out of it, I have to at least give it a try. I know I’m crazy, because he didn’t even really tell me that he liked me, I don’t even know him. But I’ve decided that I’ll let whatever will be will be, and to not overthink all of this again.     

It was now about ten o’clock and my next class was at ten-thirty. I left and walked to the college. When I got there, I entered class and my best friend, and room-mate, Eliza was sitting at a desk waiting for class to start. I couldn’t wait to tell her what had happened. I was still buzzing over the whole thing. I sat down with a huge smile on my face, and my curly-haired friend knew something was up.

“What?” she said with a smirk.

“Nothing. It’s kind of a long story. I’ll tell you later.” I said as our professor walked in the door.  

“Really, Victoria. You finally have some news to tell me and you make me wait through a whole class to do it. Thanks, girl.” She said sarcastically. I loved that about her.  She was always such a fun personality. She was really outgoing and funny, the total opposite of me.

“Sorry. Class is about to start.” I said in a fake-innocent voice. She gave me a “Really?” kind of look, but I just stared at your professor, pretending to listen to him, but all I could think about was Niall.

{A/N: Thanks again for reading! Please vote and comment! I really want to know what you guys think, so please PLEASE comment!}


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