Chapter 7

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I walked down the streets until I got to a Target on one of the corners outside of the city. I ran in to get a few things. I walked through the store mindlessly, grabbing the random things I needed. It was like I couldn’t focus on anything but Niall. It was ridiculous, really, because I hadn’t even heard from him yet and he already seemed to be taking over my whole world. I took a bottle of shampoo and tossed it into my basket, then started heading to the check-out. There were no lines at the first register, so I put my items on the counter.

“Hello, did you find everything all right today?” the lady at the register said.

“Yes. Thank you.” She started ringing your stuff up and putting it in bags. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and my heart leapt. Niall! I instantly grabbed my phone and was sad to see that it was only my mom calling me. I decided to answer as I dug for the last couple pennies in my wallet.

“Hey, mom, I’m going to have to call you back. I’m checking out at Target right now.”

“Oh okay, sweetie. No big deal.”

“Bye.” I hung up and gave the cashier the money. She gave me my receipt and I headed out the door and started walking back to my apartment. I was really disappointed that it wasn’t Niall calling me. Although, I felt bad when my mom called me, because I hadn’t talked to her or my dad or sister all week. I have always been really close with all my family, and moving away to college was really hard for me since I was so used to constantly being around them. However, I have grown much, much more independent since then, and have actually grown to enjoy my time spent alone. I arrived at our apartment, and rode up the elevator. When I walked in, I saw Eliza sitting on the couch.

“Hey Torre. Heard from him yet?” She questioned.

“No, not yet. I’m gonna go talk to my mom.”

“Okay.” I walked into my bedroom and dialed my mom. I talked to her for about a half hour, but I left out the part about meeting Niall. I’ve always been close to my mom, but I’m just not ready to tell her all about it yet, just in case it all doesn’t work out. She was in the middle of telling me about how she and my younger sister had gone out to lunch, when my phone made a beeping noise. I knew exactly what it was. It was a text, and I had this feeling deep inside that it was from Niall. Somehow, I just knew.

“Well, mom, I have to go. I have a bunch of studying to do. I’ll talk to you later, okay? Tell everyone I said hi.”

“Okay. I love you sweetheart. Goodbye.”

“Yep, love you too. Bye.” I quickly hung up and went to my messages. Sure enough, there was an unread message from Niall. My heart literally jumped out of chest, and I almost had to pinch myself to remember that this wasn’t all a dream. I opened the messages and it said

*Hey Victoria, it’s Niall :) I was wondering if I could call you and if you wanted to talk for awhile?*

My fingers went crazy and I typed out the reply in record time.

*Sure! I’d love to!*

As soon as I sent it, I got nervous. What if I said the wrong thing? I didn’t want to make him not like me. I realized I was being ridiculous and told myself to calm down. The phone would start ringing any second and if I kept this up, I would sound even more ridiculous. I walked out into the main room and said quickly to Eliza.

“Niall is gonna call me. Right now. I’m going to go sit out on the balcony. Wish me luck.”

“Don’t worry, Victoria. You’ll be great. Just relax and be yourself.”

“Yeah, okay.” I walked outside and sat in one of the lounge chairs that sat on our balcony overlooking Venice Beach in the far distance. The stars and moon were out, lighting the sky. I was so nervous. I sat there for a few minutes, waiting, until finally my phone started ringing and Niall’s name popped up. I took a deep breath in, closed my eyes and pressed answer.


 {A/N: Sorry I'm leaving you with a cliffhanger...sort of! Anyway thanks again for reading and please vote/comment if you can! It would mean the world to me!}

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