Chapter 16

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    As I walked down the hallway and to the elevator, I couldn’t shake the feeling of  Torre’s lips against mine. I didn’t mean to kiss her. I didn’t mean to feel this much for her.  I wasn’t supposed to like her as much as I do. I was supposed to take her on a couple dates, get the rumors floating around, and then never see her again. But now I’ve actually fallen for her, I think.

    The way she laughs, the way she smiles. Her eyes. She’s beautiful, and she doesn’t even try---she doesn’t need to. What was happening to me?  I can’t be with her.  I don’t want to expose her to everything. The fans will tear her up...although some of them already are. And we’re going back home soon. I can’t be with her.  What have I gotten myself into? The last thing I expected was to actually fall for her. But the way we were today, I was happy with her. Genuinely happy. And then the way her eyes stared deep into mine before I kissed her. I did it before my better judgement could tell me not to.

    The ride home was silent, as Ricky dropped me off at the house. Before I stepped out of the car, I heard him speak.

    “She seems like a wonderful girl, Niall.” Of course. Of course he had to say that.

    “I know. Thanks for everything.” I said and slammed the door. I walked inside never feeling more confused. I went straight to bed, frustrated and confused at my feelings for Victoria.


The next few days were pretty low key. I didn’t see Victoria, but we were constantly texting back and forth. I had decided the night before that I had to go through with cutting things off after one more date. It would be the best for the both of us in the long run. I planned on inviting her over for a pool party at the house with the rest of the boys. At least then she can meet them and maybe since there will be other people,  it would not be so ‘just us’ and I wouldn’t continue to get in deeper. I decided to text her and make the plans.

    *So Torre, we’re having a pool party at the house tonight. Want to come over?*

    She replied back almost instantly: *Yeah, I’d love to :)*

    *Great! Can’t wait to see you!!*



    I was currently sitting in the kitchen with Eliza when Niall texted me.

    *So Torre, we’re having a pool party at the house tonight. Want to come over?* “He’s having a pool party and wants me to come!” I squealed excitedly. To be honest, I haven’t stopped thinking about Niall for the last three days. It’s actually getting really bad. I’ve fallen...hard. And we’ve only been on two dates! I quickly typed back a response.

    *Yeah, I’d love to:)* It was a date then. I’d be going to the house for a pool party! And all of the other boys would be there!

    *Great! Can’t wait to see you!* he texted back. Eliza snatched my phone from my hand.

    “A huh, darn right he can’t wait to see you. You’re the hottest girl on the market.” she teased.

    “Shut up, Liza.” I said and playfully pushed her.

    “Oh c’mon Tor, you’re in loooovvvveee.” she said in a sing-song voice.  I  thought about her words. I wasn’t quite there yet, but it wouldn’t be long.


    A couple hours later, I had my bathing suit on and threw on some clothes over it. Niall sent a car for me to drive to the house, so I wasn’t surprised when I left the  building and saw Ricky waiting for me.

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