Chapter 19

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We watched the whole movie while eating our warm cookies. It was a beyond perfect afternoon. The movie was just about over, when I heard the door open. She was here. Oh gosh, I hope she behaves herself. Niall gave me a confused look before sitting up.

"Um, that's probably my roommate, Eliza." I said.

"Oh, okay." he said. "Can I meet her?"

Oh good, he asked before I did. "Yeah, definitely. You know how you said those boys were like your family, well she's like my sister. We're complete opposites, but we balance each other out." I said as we walked into the kitchen where Eliza was.

"I can't wait to meet her." Niall said. Eliza had a smirk on her face when we walked into the kitchen.

"Hello." she said knowingly.

"Hi, um Eliza this is Niall, and Niall this is Eliza." They both said hello and shook hands.

"Nice to finally meet you, Niall. Torre doesn't shut up about you." I blushed again. Why does she do this to me?

"I'm taking that as a good thing." Niall said and smiled to me.

"It sure is." she said back. They seemed to be getting on well. We talked a little bit more about the band and Eliza, being Eliza, asked tons of questions about being a celebrity.

"Well I'll leave you two lovebirds alone. I better be getting off to bed." Eliza said with a smirk as she walked into her room and closed the door.

"She was nice." Niall said, pulling me back to the couch with him.

"We're really different." I admitted.

"I like her. She's fun." Niall said and then paused, looking back to me. "But you're more fun."

"Thanks. You're pretty fun yourself." I said, giggling. We sat back on the couch and the TV was still playing the end of the movie.

"Hey, come over here. You're not close enough." Niall pouted, and I went up and snuggled into his chest. "That's better. I like having you close to me." he said and kissed my forehead.

"And I like being close to you."



"I'm not sure. I just couldn't do it." I explained to Liam and Harry. I was quite worked up about the whole 'Victoria' thing. My mind is all over the place. Am I doing the right thing? I tried to break up with her, but couldn't bring myself to do it. The way she was giggling when I sang to her, the way her lips melded into mine when I kissed her, that's when I knew I had to do it, before I got in deeper than I was. But I couldn't. The way she looked at me with those big, innocent brown eyes. I couldn't do it.

"That's okay, Niall. You don't have to break up with her." Liam said, trying to console me.

"Yeah mate. This is a good thing. You've finally found someone who makes you happy." Harry explained.

"Yeah, but I-I just don't want to hurt her. What about when she finds out-."

"No one will tell her. She doesn't have to know you were forced to find a girlfriend. The five of us, a few security guards, and Mr. McClain are the only ones who know about it, and we won't tell her. And if by chance she does find out, you'll just have to tell her the truth---that you fell for her, hard." Harry explained. He had a point, I could just tell her the truth if she does find out.

"Niall, I can tell you really like this girl. You haven't acted this way in a long time, and honestly, it's wonderful to see you this way. Give yourself a break, and let yourself be happy." Liam said.

"I guess you guys are right. I'm sure she'll be understanding too. I guess I overreacted to the whole thing. I'm not sure that I'm ready for a relationship though."

"Mate, you've been ready since the beginning. You're the most thoughtful person I know. If Louis can maintain a serious relationship, you sure can." Harry said with a chuckle. I guess he's right. I'm the only one doubting myself.

"So are you going to make it official? Like ask her to be your girlfriend?" Liam questioned. I hadn't really thought about it. I mean, I was planning on breaking up with her, but now since I'm not going to, I guess I really do need to formally ask her to be my girlfriend.

"Yeah, I guess I will. I want to do it in a really good way, so I'll have to think of something." I said.

"Yeah, you need to make it special for her. You said you're her first, err, not-quite-but-almost-boyfriend?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah, she's never been in a relationship before. I took her on her first date, I was her first kiss, everything. I don't know how, though. She's so beautiful."

"Just waiting for the right person, I guess. And lucky enough, that's you. But I agree with Harry, you need to make it really special for her." Liam said.

"I'll plan out something." I said. This long talk with the two of them gave me a lot to think about. How was I going to make asking Torre to be my girlfriend special for her?

 {A/N: How are you guy's liking Niall's decision? Thanks SO much to all of you who have been voting and commenting (and please continue to do so!) because it makes me SO SO happy, you really have no idea! Thanks so much for all your support with the story! :) }

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