Chapter 22

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"I don't know what to wear. He never told me what we were doing. He just said 'something really special.'" Eliza and I were currently standing in front of my closet, trying to decide what I should wear.

"I would dress more formal then. Like a dress maybe?" She said, rooting through my pathetic rack of clothing.

"I could do a dress, I guess."

"Here, try this one---nevermind. Um, what that won't work...well."

"I know, I need a new wardrobe." I said, shrugging and taking a seat on the bed. "I don't know what to wear." I said, giving out a hopeless sigh. She took a seat next to me. We sat in silence for awhile, trying to think of a solution. I've never been too worried about my looks, but being with Niall made me especially self-conscious. All the media always being there and judging you, it would make anyone nervous.

"I have an idea." Eliza blurted, and rushed to her closet. What was she thinking? There was no way we were the same size. Eliza is literally a stick. And not that I'm fat, but I have curves on me...and boobs.

She rushed back in holding a new dress that she had bought a couple days ago. That would never fit me.

"What do you think?" she asked.

"Eliza, that will never fit me."

"No, it's too big on me. I bought it without trying it on. It's a bit baggy on me so I was going to return it, but it would be perfect for you to wear tonight. Just try it on." She handed me the dress. I guess at this point I don't have many more options. I stepped into the bathroom and stripped my clothes. I pulled the dress over my head and smoothed it out.

I took a look in the mirror. It fit. It fit really well. What was baggy on Eliza hugged me in all the right places. The dress was black. It had lace sleeves and went to mid-thigh, so it wasn't too short. It was perfect. I almost didn't recognize myself looking in the mirror. I usually don't wear things this tight, but it looked good.

"C'mon, Torre. Hurry up! I want to see it!" Eliza squealed from the other side of the door. I stepped out to see her eyes scan my body and a smile form on her lips.

"Well?" I nervously asked.

"You look amazing." she said.


"You're gonna blow him away." She said. "Let's find you some shoes." We went to her closet and she found a pair of black pumps that looked great with the dress. Thank goodness for Eliza, always here to save the day.

"Thanks for letting me borrow all this. I don't know what I'd do without you!" I said, while we both sat patiently in the kitchen, waiting for Niall to arrive.

"No problem. That's what roommates are-." She was interrupted by a knock on the door. She shot me a smile as I stood up to answer the door. I smoothed my dress one last time and turned the knob.

Niall's ocean-blue eyes met mine. I studied him closely as he saw me. His eyes went wide as they went up and down my body. When he got back to my face, his smile seemed wider than it had ever been. He was at a loss of words.

"Torre, you look g-gorgeous." He finally got out. I had never made anybody so speechless before. I have to admit it was kind of a great feeling. He looked great too. He was wearing tan-colored pants and a light blue sweater. His blonde hair was styled perfectly, sticking up. He looked like Prince Charming.

"Thank you." I said. He walked in the kitchen.

"Hi Niall. Nice to see you again." Eliza said.

"Hey Eliza. How are you?" He asked politely. It was amazing to see the two of them interacting like this.

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