Chapter 33

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Torre POV

I woke up today feeling nervous but excited. Today was the day I would actually bring a boy home to meet my family. Kind of crazy. Ahhhh.

I was currently sitting at our table eating a bowl or cheerios with Eliza.

"Darling, you'll be fine. Just stay cool and your dad will too. Do you really think they won't like Niall?" I tried comforting his nerves.

"It's not that I think they won't like him, I'm just nervous about the whole 'popstar' thing."

"Yeah but I think doing something as normal as bringing him home for dinner might ease their minds a little bit. As long as they see that he's just like everyone else, they'll be okay with it."

"Yeah, you're right." I said, suddenly feeling a whole lot better. I finished eating my cheerios and headed into the bathroom to shower. After drying my hair and putting on a bit of make-up, I got dressed, and within an hour, I was ready to go.

Niall was going to pick me up and drive us. We thought it would be less intimidating if we didn't show up riding in one of the big, black cars with a driver.

I waited down in the lobby of the apartment complex for Niall to get here. I had only been down there for about five minutes before I saw Niall pull up in the same car he drove on our first date. I headed out the doors and he was there to greet me.

"Hey babe." He said casually, giving me a quick hug and peck on the lips. He opened my door for me, and I hopped in.

"Hi." I said excitedly.

"How are you?" He asked as we pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street.

"Pretty good. You?" I asked.

"I'm nervous." He answered honestly, but was smiling.

"I'm a bit nervous too, but I really don't think you have anything to worry about. They'll love you."

"Let's hope." He chuckled.

We were driving along the interstate and I couldn't help but think how wonderful this all felt. This was all right. I had a wonderful boyfriend. We were driving in an amazing car with the top down on a sunny day to my parents house, for us all to have a nice dinner together. What isn't amazing about that?

Niall turned the radio up and the music blasted from the car. Some top hit song was on, that I happened to know all the words too. Niall started singing along loudly. Normally, I wouldn't either, as I was a shy soul, but I couldn't help myself. I started belting the lyrics out right there with him.  At that moment, as if things didn't seem perfect before, they were even better now.


Twenty minutes later, we were pulling into my parent's house driveway.

"It's time." I said excitedly. I could just picture my mother and sister waiting for us by the door and now watching us through the window.

"I'll get your door." Niall said. He got out and came over to my side of the car and opened the door for me.

"Thanks." I said.

"Of course." He let out a breathy laugh.

"Relax. " I said, looking him in the eye and taking his hand in mine. He smiled and we headed up the path to the front door. I gave a brief knock before just opening the door and walking in. Niall followed closely behind me, our hands still interlocked. Before we could even round the corner into the kitchen, my mom was coming up to us, her wooden spoon in hand and apron covering her front.

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