Chapter 34

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Niall POV

Meeting Torre's family last week was incredible. They were all fun and easy to get along with, just like her. I really got to see her in her element. I knew how much her family meant to her, and how close she was to them. Seeing her light up like that around her family makes me like her even more than I already do.

I like her more than I care to admit. And I might even love her.

I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Like, I can finally breathe. Everything is okay with the 'Spencer Collins' issue, and I've finally met Torre's family, and they are great. Everything is panning out to be wonderful. It's so weird, that this time last week, it seemed everything was falling apart, and now everything seems perfect. It's crazy. Really, really crazy.

Torre POV

I couldn't be happier with the way things went with my family and Niall. They behaved themselves and liked him, and he liked them.

I was sitting in the apartment, trying to finish an essay, when Eliza barged in, being her usual melodramatic self.

"Torre, do you know about this?" She yelled, walking into the kitchen.

"Know about what?" I asked, not taking my eyes from my computer screen. This was a normal thing, her rushing in going on about something. I was actually surprised when she came into the living room to talk to me.

"This." She said, holding up a magazine. My eyes focused on the cover, and to be honest, I was a bit confused. It depicted Niall, and a girl sitting at a table in what seemed to be a restaurant. It was a recent picture of Niall.

I didn't quite feel upset, more just confused. I don't know who this girl is, and I have no reason to be upset. They are just having lunch. However, Niall and I are almost always talking throughout the day and I don't know why he would have hidden something like this. The only thing that made me uneasy was the lovely magazine caption. "NIALL'S NEW GIRL?!" That's what made me mad.

"What are you thinking?" Eliza asked cautiously.

"I'm not upset. Just wondering who she is." I said. "Did you read the article?"

"She's Spencer Collins, some up and coming singer."

"Oh." I said. I wasn't surprised, really. And why should I be? I have nothing to worry about. Niall has made it clear how much I mean to him. "They're probably just friends." I told Eliza, although I couldn't deny the sickening feeling developing in my stomach from just looking at the picture. But that was probably just jealously.

"Yeah, Tor. I don't mean to freak you out about this, but I think you should obviously ask him about it. Not in a defensive way, but just well, ya know."

"Yeah, I will. I mean, I knew coming into this the media would always be a problem, and I trust Niall. I am a little worried though why he wouldn't tell me he was meeting a friend. I mean, not that he has to tell me everything, but he kinda already does so.."

"It may have been a business meeting or something. Maybe the boys are doing work with her, you never know."

"Yeah but Niall was the only one there." I said.

"Well that's true. But, honestly, Tor, I don't think you have anything to worry about. I see the way Niall looks at you, and I don't think he'd be stupid enough to cheat on you, and if he did cheat on you he wouldn't be so careless as to let something like this happen." She said, pointing to the magazine.

"I don't think he cheated. It's just the whole shock of the first story about him/us I guess."

"I understand, completely. Well, actually, I don't, because even with my amazing looks and outstanding personality, no popstar has ever been interested in me, but still."

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