Chapter 17

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I decided I’m going to do it. I’m going to break up with her. It’s the only logical thing to do. I started to date her because I had to, and I don’t want to keep leading her on when she will eventually find out that it was all fake---well supposed to be fake. It’s not fake at all. My feelings for her are very, very real. But how do I explain that to her?

Although what Zayn said was very true, about me deserving love, I just don’t want to put Victoria through all that. This is her very first relationship, if I can even call this a relationship, and I can’t imagine how hard it would be for her first boyfriend to be me.  I don’t want that for her.

So I’m going to do it. How, I’m not quite sure yet. I want to do it in the nicest, least painful way possible---for the both of us. Maybe I could just slowly start talking to her less and less? No, that would be horrible of me. I guess I'll just have to tell her that we can't keep seeing each other or that it wasn't working out or something. I don't know...I still have a couple days to figure out what I'm gonna say to her.


The last few days have been quite uneventful. I haven't seen Niall since the pool party. We've texted a little bit, but not as much as we did in the beginning. It was kind of starting to worry me because of the awkward exchange we held when I left the house that night. He just seemed weird, and at the time I didn't want to worry about it that much, but now that we're not really texting as much I do.

At the same time, though, I keep telling myself we aren't dating. Niall never has asked me to be his girlfriend, so am I just overreacting? Maybe he has just been busy. I'm sure he has to be busy. They've been doing loads of promo and interviews. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens. He asked me to hang out again tonight, so I'm hoping everything will just go back to normal, and maybe tonight will be the night that he does ask me to be his girlfriend.


Niall was coming to the apartment after all my classes today. He asked me to hang out and I asked him what he wanted to do, and he said he just wanted to do something low-key, so he was coming over. We'll probably just watch movies or something. Eliza had a late afternoon class today, so she wouldn't be here for a while, but maybe he could meet Eliza, when she gets home. I mean, I met his friends, so it's okay for him to meet mine now, right, even though we've only been on like three dates.

I rushed home after class, to make sure everything was clean and presentable. Although it usually was. I'm a clean freak and Eliza tends to be more of a slob. Together we balance each other out though so the apartment isn't a huge mess. I put away some stray items that were laying in the living room. My room had some jewelry laying out on my dresser that wasn't put away, so I quickly did that. After that, everything was put away in its place.

I anxiously awaited his arrival. I was nervous, but at the same time I felt very at ease in his presence. He was always just so genuine, it seemed. Being around him, gave me butterflies. Whenever I'm with him, it's like nothing else matters. A knock on the door interrupted me from my thoughts. I opened the door to see him standing there. A smile graced his lips, but something was different about the way he looked. His smile wasn't as big as it usually was. His eyes looked tired, and didn't sparkle the way they had before. Maybe something happened? I hope it wasn't anything I did...

"Hey Niall." I said, engulfing him in a hug.

"Hi, Torre." he said, hugging me back, but it was somehow different.

"Come in." I said, leading him into the apartment and showing him around. "Well this is our tiny kitchen, our tiny living room, my tiny room, and my roommate, Eliza's tiny room." I said, giving him a quick tour.

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