Chapter 24

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"Well, I've been wanting to ask you this for a while now...My last question is: Will you be my girlfriend?"

My heart was beating so rapidly, I felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. He just asked me to be his girlfriend. What should I say? Why was I freaking out so much? I knew this was coming eventually. So say yes, you idiot.

"Y-yes, Niall. I'd love to be your girlfriend." I managed to get out. Niall's eyes met mine and his smile widened, if that was even possible.

"Torre, I think you're a wonderful girl, and I want to be able to call you mine." Was he always this sweet?!

"I like you a lot, too, Niall. And now you can call me yours." With that, he got up from the table, grabbed me by my waist, and pulled me to him. I wrapped my arms tightly around him, wanting to be as close to him as possible. He brought his hand to my chin, tilting it up to look at him. His blue eyes stared deep into mine. They were beautiful, and it me right then that I was falling for him. I was falling for him hard. He then moved his hands to my cheek and brought his lips to mine.

All I could focus on was the feeling of his lips on mine. The gentle pressure they applied to my own. The way one hand cupped my cheek and the other held my waist, pulling me to him. All of my senses were being overwhelmed, and I was lost in his kiss.

I wasn't even thinking of the fact that this was our first kiss as officially being together. All I could think of was Niall, and the way he held me close to him.

We were kissing for what felt like hours, but was really only minutes, and were interrupted  by laughing. I broke away immediately to see where the giggling was coming from. When I turned, I saw all four boys standing on the deck watching us. I blushed in response. We were getting really into the kissing and I didn't know they were watching us.

"Get it, mate!" Harry yelled and the other boys erupted in laughter before heading back inside.

"I'm sorry about them." Niall said.

"I know one way you can make it up to me." I said bravely, as he pulled me to him and kissed me again. I wasn't really one to be initiate the kisses, but I was desperate to feel his lips on mine again.  

"I like your thinking." he said with a smirk and kissed me one more time in the sunset.



It's been a couple weeks since I asked Torre to be my girlfriend. I'm so glad she said yes. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders, just to be replaced by another one. I'm not completely sure that Torre completely realizes what is going to happen to her life by dating me, and that worries me.

Everything has been pretty calm so far, but the media has not stepped in yet. Aside from getting a few pictures of us out on the town and such and the one interview where she came up, there hasn't been much to say about us, considering we've been pretty low-key. But now all that is going to change. I have an interview coming up where I'm going to have to confirm that we're dating, and then everything is going to fly out of control. Especially on social media. social media is going to blow up, as it always does.

I just want to make sure Torre can handle it all. I want to prepare her for it, so she's not caught off guard. Hopefully, if she knows what's coming, she will be able to handle it better. I'm planning on bringing it up to her soon, that way when the worst comes, we'll both be prepared.



I groan as I turn over onto my side and turn the hideous beeping from my alarm clock off. I lay in bed for a couple of minutes, trying to mentally prepare myself for my day.

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