Chapter 35

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Torre POV

"Have a good time, honey. Make good choices. I'll be back Sunday afternoon to pick you up." My mom hugged Amy goodbye. "And goodbye to you too, Torre. Have a good time with your sister this weekend."

"Don't worry mom. It's not like we're going to do anything crazy." I said.

"I know." She had driven Amy out here to stay for the weekend. It would be nice to catch up with my sister. We walked her down to the lobby of our apartment building and said goodbye again. And then the two of us headed back up to the apartment.

It was early afternoon and I only had morning classes on Friday, so Amy and I decided to walk around town before we had to head over to the boy's house. We left the apartment and started walking to where all the little shops and boutiques were.

"So you need to fill me in on you and Niall." She said with a smirk.

"There's not much to tell."

"Oh don't play that game with me, Tor. Tell me everything from beginning to end."

"Oh fine. Well, we met on the street really. I was walking to class and he was going, well I'm not sure where he was going, but we met at a crosswalk and he said hello. I couldn't recognize him at the time. I was quite flustered at the time because I was late for class. Then, I got stuck in the mob that was chasing him and figured out who he was."

"Well I can see how you wouldn't pay much attention to him if you were running late. You freak out over being late to school."

"Yeah. But then when I got stuck in the mob, I was really late, and knew I would never make it to the university in time so I went to this little café on the corner to study." I said.

"You skipped class?" Amy said in shock. "I can't believe you skipped class."

"Well I had already missed half of it anyway. So, I was sitting there reading out of my book, and this group of men came in and talked to the owner for a while and then, a couple minutes later, Niall walked in. He came over and said hello, and we talked a little bit and exchanged numbers."

"Aww, he came over to talk to you. So did he text you that day?"

"Yeah, we talked a little more over text and then he asked if he could call to talk, so I said yes. We talked on the phone for a while and then he asked if he could take me out. I said yes, obviously. On our first date, he had this amazing car, and we got ice cream and drove to the beach. And then when he dropped me off, he kissed me."

"Awww, was it amazing Tor? I'm sure it was."

"Yeah, it was pretty great! I've met all the boys and done a little bit with them too. I went to one of their interviews."

"Wow, you're like hot stuff now, Tor." She laughed.

"Yeah, I guess. We still haven't gone public though, obviously."

"I was wondering when you would. Is it hard to keep it secret?"

"We don't exactly keep it secret, we just don't make it obvious and we haven't confirmed anything yet. Niall said he's pretty much ready though, he's just waiting for the right moment in an interview to confirm."

Amy nodded in understanding. We neared a boutique and headed in. They had nice handbags and jewelry, so we continued to talk while we looked.

"So how does Niall think everyone will react?"

"It'll be hard, obviously. I don't really expect people to like me, but then again, I don't really care too much what they think. As long as I don't take their opinions literally, Niall said I would be fine. He also said the majority of his fans have supported the other boys' relationships so I shouldn't be too worried. There will most likely be more people who like me than hate me."

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