Chapter 8

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“Victoria? Hey! It’s Niall.”

“Hey Niall! How are you?”

“I’m great! How are you tonight?”

“Really, really good!” I said. My heart was beating rapidly because of the nerves. The line was silent for a while and neither of us knew quite what to say.

“So what have you been up to all day?” Niall asked.

“Well I had classes today and then I had some errands to run. Glamorous, I know. I’m sure you had a much more interesting day than me!”

“Oh no. I mean, I do love my job, but you get used to it after a while. I just had promo stuff to do. Interviews and stuff like that. So, you’re in college, right? What school do you go to? And what are you majoring in?”

“I go to Anticoch University. I’m majoring in writing and minoring in literature. So yeah. I want to be a writer one day.”

“That’s really cool! I really don’t have time to read much, but I love the idea of getting lost in books. Going to another world.”

“Me too. That’s exactly why I want to do this. I mean, it will probably never happen, because how likely is it that I will ever come up with an idea good enough to be a bestselling book, but I can dream!”

“Hey, you never know. I never thought I would be playing sold out arenas all over the world, but you know, dreams do come true.” He said. He was so charming. No wonder all those girls were in love with him. Just one conversation with him, and I was already planning our wedding out in my head. What was happening to me?

“Yeah, I guess they do.” I muttered, looking up to the stars. What a day it had been.

“So, Victoria-.”

“You can call me Torre if you want. Most of my friends do, anyway.”

“Torre. I like that. Well, Torre, I was wondering if, um, well if you would go out to dinner with me sometime.” He was asking me on a date? He was asking me on a date!

“Wow, yes. I would love to!” I said, trying not to seem too excited, but happy enough that he knew I was interested.

“Great! Um, today is Wednesday, right? I can’t keep my days straight, my God. How does Friday sound?” Niall asked.

“Yeah, sure. That sounds fine with me! It sounds great!”

“Okay then. Um, I will pick you up around seven then?”

“Yes, perfect! I can’t wait.”

“Me neither. I can’t wait to get to know you better, Torre. You seem like a really special girl.” He said and my heart fluttered.

“T-thanks.” I stuttered, embarrassed.

“Well I have to go, I’m going to dinner with the boys, but I will talk to you later, okay?”

“Okay. Have fun.”

“Goodnight, Torre.”

“Goodnight, Niall.” I clicked end and turned my phone off, looking up to the stars. How  much everything has changed in just one day.

 {A/N: Sorry this one's so short! If you guys vote, I'll update again tomorrow!}

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