Chapter 9

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I walked back into the apartment with a huge smile on my face. Eliza was sitting on the couch waiting for me to tell her all about Niall and I’s conversation. I slowly closed the sliding glass door that led to the balcony and walked over to her. She patted the seat on the couch next to her, motioning for me to sit there.

    “Spill.” she said, with a smirk on her face. Goodness gracious I should’ve known she would act like this.

    “Well, um, we just talked on the phone, and um, he asked me on a date!” I squealed, letting out the excitement that I was trying to conceal from Niall. I’m getting way too excited about this. I don’t even know him. I’ve never even been in a serious relationship. I just need to calm down. Stay rational.

    “That’s great Tor! Wow! I’m so happy for you. When is it?” she asked, sounding just as, if not more, excited as me.

    “Friday night.”

    “We’ll have to go shopping, dear. You will need something way extravagant to wear on this date. I wonder where he’s taking you. Probably somewhere fancy… and expensive.” She muttered, more talking to herself than me. However, her words made my stomach churn. I honestly keep forgetting Niall is in the world’s biggest boy band. Just getting male attention is new to me, and now I’m supposed to get celebrity male attention? How am I supposed to handle this?

    “Liza how am I going to do this? I’ve never been on a proper, formal date with a guy before, let alone a celebrity.” I asked her worried. She looked back at me with a sly grin on her face.

    “Honey, don’t be worried one bit. I’ve got you. We’ll get you  ready for your date so that he will not only like you, but you’ll  knock his socks off.” She said confidently, which in turn gave me a little bit of confidence too. It was all just a lot to process. Almost too much to process. “So we’ll skip class tomorrow and Friday if we need to to get you all ready.”

    “Heck no, Eliza. I’m not skipping class.” I said. There was no way. I had already missed one class the other day, when I met Niall. I can't skip two in one week. But that was the difference between me and  Eliza. She was the frisky one and I was the goody-goody. At least we balanced each other out.

    “Okay fine, we’ll go after class. But, we will have to work fast.”

    “My goodness. What all do we need to do? I know I need some new clothes and tips on how to flirt, but I don’t need a whole make-over here!” I said, incredulous.

    “You’ll see.” she said coyly and walked into her bedroom without another word.
    “Well goodnight then, I guess.” I shouted to her.

    “Goodnight, my dear.” She shouted back. I padded over to my own bedroom and changed into my plaid pajama pants and a t-shirt. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I hopped into bed and  snuggled up to the covers. What a day it had been, and what days the next few ones promised to be.

{A/N: How are you guys liking it? I would loveeee to know, so please comment! Can I get 5 votes for the next chapter? :)}

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