Chapter 14

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“Tell me all about it!” Eliza rushed into  the entryway of the apartment with a huge grin on her face. I was still smiling like an idiot from the night’s activities. “Well you’re smiling. That’s a good sign.” She said, leading me over to the couch.

    “It was really good.” I started and  Eliza nodded, urging me to continue. “Niall is absolutely the most adorable guy ever. He took me to dinner and then we just cruised in his convertible, with the top down, under the stars. It was an amazing night.” I delved into more details, wanting her to know everything. She was my best friend and this is the kinda stuff you talked to your best friends about, right?

    “Well, I’m so happy for you, Tor. You deserve this. Everything. I hope it all works out for you.” she said, giving me a hug.

    “Thanks for being so supportive, LIza. I couldn’t have done it without your help.’

    “Oh, it was nothing.”

    “Well, I’m going to go and try to get some sleep, if I can.” I said, heading to my room.

    “Sweet dreams, Torre.” She said, turning the lights off and heading to her own room herself. I went and put my PJs in and hopped into bed. Although, I couldn’t fall asleep, because I was replaying our date over and over in my head.


    After I dropped Torre off I headed for the house. The whole way home I replayed our date in my mind. I felt horrible. Horrible, horrible, horrible. Victoria was such a  selfless, sweet person. The more I had learned about her the worse and worse I felt about choosing her to pretend to have a relationship with. This whole situation was just wrong. There’s nothing I can do, though. It has to be done. Just one more date and the whole thing will be over. Just one more painless date and I can be rid of the whole situation.

    When I got home, Louis and Liam were sitting in the main room of the house playing video games. Apparently Zayn was in his room, on the phone with Perrie, and Harry was out who knows where.

    “Hey mate, how was your date?” Liam asked,  eyes still glued to the screen.

    “It was nice, which is the problem. I can’t believe I’m going through with this. I can’t imagine how much it is going to hurt her when she finds out.” Liam paused the game when I started talking and he and Louis looked over to me sympathetically.

    “I know, dude. This really sucks. I’m sorry you have to be the one to do it.” Louis said.

    “Yeah. I’m just ready for the whole thing to be over.”

    “Do you want to stay down here and play video games with us? Get your mind off of it?” Liam asked. He was so caring. He always knew the right thing to do or say, but tonight I just wanted to go to bed.’

    “I think I’m just going to head up. Thanks though.”

    “Sleep tight, mate.” Louis said.

    “Goodnight, Niall. Try not to feel too guilty about it. It’s not like you had a choice.” Liam said before I headed upstairs.

    I headed up and stripped down before slipping in between the sheets. I fell asleep wondering what thoughts were going through Victoria’s head.



I woke up the next morning to the sunlight streaming in through my window. I groaned before turning on to my side to block out the light. Thoughts of last night ran through my mind. As much of a good time I had, I still knew I had to be really cautious. I can’t just leave my heart to be tracked and trodden over. Niall seemed very nice, but then again guys always seemed nice in the beginning. And something was a bit different about Niall last night than the past two interactions I had had with him in the cafe and over the phone. He seemed almost...sad...last night. It wasn’t like he was really sad or anything. He was still laughing and making jokes and stuff, but sometimes he would look at me and I just wondered what was going through his head. Maybe he was just nervous…? He always seemed to be very genuine though. I brushed off the thoughts about Niall and got myself out of bed.

    I went into the kitchen after getting dressed to find that Eliza was still asleep. I didn’t have any plans for the day, so I figured I would just go out. I need to get out of this apartment, otherwise I would drive myself crazy. And, I was all caught up on my school work, so why not treat myself to a day out?

    I left and headed downtown, walking along the city streets.  I stopped in a bookstore, trying to find something good to start reading. I settled on a mystery novel and headed to a small restaurant near the beach. I ordered lunch and sat outside in the sunshine, eating while starting my new book. It was the perfect day to me, just relaxing and getting lost in a good book.

    I had been sitting for a couple hours when my phone dinged. I grabbed it out of my bag, after searching for a good minute or two,  to see I received a text message.

    *Hey, Torre! Just wanted to see how your day was going :)*  My heart leapt when I read it, although I begged it not too. I’m becoming infatuated with him!

    *Really good! I’m just out and about the city! You? :)*

    He texted back almost immediately. *Just chilling at the house with the boys. I was wondering if you would like to hang out again...maybe tomorrow…?* Tomorrow was Sunday, you had nothing going on.

    *Yeah, I’d love to :) What were you thinking?*

    *Nothing too formal. Maybe going to the mall or something? Is that okay with you!*

    *Absolutely! What time?*

    *One? I’ll pick you up ;)*

    *Sounds good! Can’t wait :)*

    *Me neither!* With that, you decided to head back to the apartment. You walked back to find that Eliza wasn’t home. She was more of the partying type, but that just wasn’t your thing. You settled in for the night on the couch with your new book and the TV remote, feeling perfectly content.  

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