Chapter 25

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Niall POV

After I dropped Torre off, I headed to back to the house. I had Ricky pick me up from the University though, to avoid chaos as the streets were becoming more crowded now than they were when Torre and I first started making our way there.

When I got back, I found Lou in the kitchen, already working on Zayn's hair. We have an interview today and I'm debating whether or not I want to tell the world about Torre and I. We talked about it a little while ago and Torre told me that she was fine with it, whenever I wanted to do it. I just feel like the time hasn't been right yet, although I don't know when the right time will be. I guess it will just feel right.

 Harry walked into the room, his hair a complete mess and I laughed at how ridiculous he looked. If only people saw the less glamorous side of him like we do.

"You've got your work cut out for him today, Lou." I said, still laughing at him.

"Shut up, Niall. The curls take work."

"Whatever you say, Harry."

Liam walked through the hallway and into the room with a scowl on his face when he saw me.

"Niall?! Where have you been?" He asked.

"I walked Torre to class, Liam. Calm down, mate."

"Niall we have an interview in like an hour."

"Yeah and I'm here aren't I. It's not like she has to do much to my hair. And look at Harry, he just got out of bed. At least I'm dressed."

"He has a point. Look at Harry." Zayn chuckled. Everyone knew Liam was always worried we would be late and stuff like that. Now a days we just let him freak out because it's easier than fighting with him. He'll realize we'll be on time sooner or later.

"Oh fine. Just be ready when it's time to go!" he huffed and walked out of the room.

"All done." Lou said as Zayn got up and out of the chair and went to get dressed. "You're up, curly boy."

"So how is Torre, then?" Harry asked, as Lou started to sort through his hair.

"She's good. Great, actually. She looked wonderful this morning. She's always so happy and positive. She makes me want to be happy all the time too."

"That's great Niall."

"Yeah, yeah it is." I said. Torre is unbelievable. She's so much more than she lets on to be. She's so shy, but once you get to know her, she just transforms into this amazing woman, with hopes and dreams, and the best personality. I would've never guessed she was this wonderful without actually knowing her.

Harry awakened me from my thoughts. "So are you going to go completely public then soon? They have pictures of you together like management wanted, so are you going to tell everyone you're actually dating?"

"I talked to her about that actually. She says she's fine with it, whenever I feel like it's right to tell everybody. I'm just concerned about what is going to happen. The pictures of us together and rumors of us being together were never really bad, but if we actually say we're dating, things are going to blow up."

"Yeah, it's going to be rough."

"I think we can handle it though. I kind of told Torre what to expect while we walked to her class today."

"So you're doing it soon?"

"Whenever I feel the moment is right. It could be today, it could be next week, or next month. I'm just not sure."

"Fair enough." Harry said.

"Okay, Niall. Your turn. I just need to touch up a few things." Lou said as Harry got up and I sat down. Liam and Louis were already ready to go and I was the last one to have my hair "fixed up."

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