29 | 259,200 seconds

508 13 2

259,200 seconds

t w e n t y - n i n e

"Novak! Get back to work!"

She had been busted once again, sharing kisses with that handsome doctor who worked with the FBI, and used to be an underground fighter.

"I'll see you when you get back home okay? Call me when you land, and if anything bad happens, alright?"

He nodded and kissed her once more, addicted to the taste that lingered in his mouth after her lips touched his.

"Yes ma'am"

He walked away and she went back to work, her hair grew out, and the color was slowly fading back to blonde, but she had planned on re-dying it soon.

"Sorry boss!"

As she went from booth to booth, wiping tables and taking orders, there was a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach, like something bad was gonna happen. She just pushed it aside and continued on with her job.

After work, she went grocery shopping, restocking the snack cabinet in their apartment, only stopping when Spencer called and told her he was safe. As she finished putting away the last thing, her phone rang once again.


"Hey Ryn, you should totally stop by for a lunch break. I have no one else here"

She chuckled at her friend.

"Sure thing Pen, be there in a few"

And so she went out, Spencer's button up on, tucked into a high waisted black skirt, and a pair of black flats. She went to a a nearby fast food restaurant and ordered for her and Penelope, after that, she called a cab and he drove her to the Bureau.

"Hey, I brought presents!"

She smiled and handed a bag to her blonde haired friend.

"You're service is very much appreciated my dear friend"

She took a seat beside Penelope and they laughed and talked for a while, before their lunch was interrupted by a call, requesting that Penelope get back to work.

"Well, I guess I have to go. Tell Spencer to call me later alright? Thanks Penny,"

She kissed Penelope's cheek and left, dispite the blonde's attempts to get her to stay. Karyn Novak carried on her way, calling a cab, only having enough money on her to get halfway home. She had sighed and walked the rest of the way, yet, she didn't arrive home that night, and Spencer's calls were never answered.

"Something's wrong"

He was pacing, the others noticed he seemed worried.

"Did something happen with Karyn? What's wrong Reid?"

He glanced at them and paced once more before quickly sitting down, tossing his phone onto the table.

"She won't answer any of my phone calls, I've left 5 messages, she told me to call. What if something happened to her? What if she's in the hospital, what if.....what if she's...dead?"

"Spence, don't worry so much, she was probably tired, had a hard day or something"

"But she would have called me"

Just then, his phone rang, it was her. He quickly answered it.

"Karyn, what's wrong, why haven't you answer any of my calls? Are you alright? Is everythin-"

"She's fine, just a little angry, scared maybe. Don't worry doc, I can take care of her, better than you ever could"

"Who is this, what do you want? What did you do to her?"

"Calm down doc, I told you she was fine, I don't plan on hurting her too much"

"Why did you call me?"

"I just wanted to meet the man who thinks he's good enough for her, and I heard you were an FBI agent, let's see if you can find her. You get three days. When those three days end, so does she. Hurry doc, the clock is ticking"

The line went dead and Spencer bit his lip, slowly closing his phone and setting it down before he began moving in hyper drive.

"Woah, what are you doing Reid, you can't just drop this case, what's wrong? What happened to Karyn?"

"She's been kidnapped and I've only got 3 days to find her, and with all do respect, fuck this case"

"There's nothing scarier than loving someone"
- Emily Henry

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