30 | damsel in distress

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damsel in distress

t h i r t y

"Well he seems a little anxious, right lalka?"

He grinned and looked at her, turning her phone off and tossing it aside, walking over to caress her face. Her hands and feet were tied to the chair so she couldn't move, and the chair was metal so she couldn't break it.

"Smooth skin, Randy must have loved you. I bet you felt nice, but first,"

He pulled up a chair and smiled at her.

"Tell me about yourself lalka, what's your favorite color, your favorite book, things like that"

She glared at him.

"Go to hell"

He tsk'ed and shook his head.

"That's not nice Rynie, you know better"

"Fuck you, Orlik"

"Come on now lalka, we were making progress"

He sighed and leaned forward, his fingertips touching her cheek.

"You used to love talking to me, remember? When your father was doing business with my brother, we met and I knew, I just knew that you were my miłość. You and I would sit and talk for hours on end, and yet the 2 months that you were there, you never told me any of your favorites. Wait, you did say you liked Aerosmith, but that could have changed"

He looked up at the ceiling of the dark room, the single light hung in the middle, your sterotypical holding cell for kidnap victims. She licked her lips and groaned, looking around the room.

"You gave him three days, why so long?"

He didn't answer her question.

"When you start answering my questions, I'll answer your's"

She huffed and glared at him harder.

He chuckled and drummed his fingers on his knee, expectantly.

"So, your favorite color?"

She bit her lip, not wanting to let any information slip.

He growled when she didn't answer and he stood up, grabbing a knife from one of the many tables that lined the walls in the room. He slid her skirt up slightly, cutting the soft flesh with the knife. She whimpered softly, slightly relieved since she was expecting much worse.

"You're a real suka when you want to be, lalka"

She gritted her teeth, opening her green eyes to see the cloudy grey ones that belonged to Antoni Orlik, an old aquantance from when she was 15 and lived in Poland for 2 months.

"What do you want?"

"You, it's that simple, you left so quickly, I never got to say goodbye"

"Why did it take you so long to find me?"

"You changed your appearance and name, it took a couple years to infiltrate and a couple years to search"

"It wasn't my decision to change my name"

"Just like it wasn't your decision to turn my brother in to the CIA when your father brought him here to do business. I told him that he was untrustworthy, but the only thing that saved your father was you, you and me, my brother didn't want to ruin any chance of us having a life together, he was good that way"

"Why me? I'm nothing special"

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, setting the knife aside and sitting down again.

"You're the only thing on this earth that is special"

He looked at her lovingly, but it wasn't a comforting love, no, it was obsessive.

"You see, lalka, I kind of found out you were in WPP after one of my men infiltrated Operations, Americans are so naive, and I got you, after many many years, Mam cię w końcu"

She looked at the restraints on her and sighed.


"What was that lalka?"

He leaned forward and she glared at him before repeating herself through gritted teeth.


He grinned and leaned back, kicking his foot out.

"Still remember the little lessons I gave to you, huh lalka?"

She looked at the room once more, observing the baren walls and the over flowing amount of tools on the tables.


He growled out and she looked back at him, glaring once again.


"Did you continue to teach yourself after you left? Or did you try to forget about me?"

She bit her lip and glared at him, she couldn't give away any more information.

"I know a lot about you from those files that Operations held onto, lalka"

"Then you tell me about myself"

He chuckled and shook his head.

"I know that you were already in WPP before we met, that you've been in it since you were 13, and the reason? A criminal had targeted your family, and your family was the only one that knew the details about this man and so you were put into protective custody. I also know that you lost your mother to the MS when you were 14, and your brother when you were 17, your father is the only family you have left and you can't even contact him because he isn't allowed to know where you are, and you aren't allowed to know where he is, I know that you majored in Psychology when you went to college, you were raped, and your best friend was admitted into a mental institute after she tried to kill you. And I know that you're dating Dr. Spencer Reid from the FBI, and you're living with him. Does he even know you like I do?"

Her glare intensified and she pulled at her restraints.

"You shut up right now, he has nothing to do with this"

"But he does! He really does, and I take it you haven't told him about your past?"

He leaned forward and caressed her cheek once more before frowning and dropping his hand.

"We have four days before moving, now would you like some food? Water?"

She bit her cheek and raised an eyebrow.

"Four days before moving? You gave Spencer 3 days, do you want him to save me?"

He looked down for a moment before smirking and looking straight into her eyes.

"I want to watch him fail, I want to watch your face as you realize he's not coming"

"He will find me"

He stood up and laughed, walking out of the only door in the room, and as the door shut behind him, she let tears fall. What was so special about her, why did she have to be the target?

"She was just another broken doll, dreaming of a boy with glue"
- Atticus

[lalka = doll, miłość = love, suka = bitch, mam cię w końcu = I have you at last, fioletowy = purple, tak = yes]

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