18 | she knows this feeling all too well

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she knows this feeling all too well

e i g h t e e n

She hung out with the team more often, specifically JJ, Emily, and Penelope. Every Wednesday was girls night out, and today happened to be a Wednesday.

"What is that I see, is that, is that a hickey?"

JJ sounded surprised and it caused Karyn to blush as she reached up to fix her collar.

"Maybe, but don't get any wrong ideas. It wasn't anything like that"

"Well, what did happen?"

Emily sipped her hot chocolate as they all made their way down the sidewalk, visiting stores and buying things they didn't even need.

"We made out, it's just, y'know, don't want to rush things"

"Awe, you're in it for the long run"

Penelope smiled and patted her shoulder.

"For some reason, this makes me want to ask about your first time"

She raised an eyebrow at Emily before shrugging.

"I was 16, he was 18, he was leaving for college and he said I should get him a gift, instead I got myself a gift and just showed it to him, prompting a reaction that blew my mind at the time, but now that I look back, it was really awkward"

They all laughed and joked about it until three phones rang. None of which were Karyn's.

"Oh no, a case? Really? You guys can't leave me"

"I'm so sorry Ryn, wait, do you think we could sneak her in? She can stay with me all day!"

Penelope seemed excited about the idea, and Karyn liked it too, Emily was for it, and JJ warned her not to get caught. And so they left, heading to the BAU, where Penelope rushed Karyn to her office.

It had worked too, for almost 3 hours, when someone had to come to Penelope's office. It was Spencer, and when he opened that door and seen Karyn, he looked quite surprised.

"Karyn, what are you doing here?"

"Penelope kidnapped me"

"You came along willingly"

"Yeah yeah, what do you need Spence?"

"I ran out of lolipops, and I was hoping Garcia had some"

Penelope sat a cup of lolipops down and laughed as Spencer and Karyn grabbed one.

"Hey, you took the last cotton candy!"

"You have butterscotch, stop complaining"



Penelope was surprised to hear this word leave Spencer's mouth, she didn't even think it was in his vocabulary when it came to drinks and food, but when she turned around to see the two sharing lolipops, she could just imagine them on their wedding day, sharing the cake. She cooed at the scene and held her heart.

"I ship it so hard"

"The human heart has a way of making itself large again even after it's been broken into a million pieces"
- Robert James Waller

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