33 | secrets

470 12 1


t h i r t y - t h r e e

"Why Karyn? Why her? He chose to go after someone who he knew would be missed, he might have stalked her, got to know her schedule, and an abduction like this, along with the phone call, he said he would take care of her, better than I ever could, he's obsessive, and he most likely knew her before, when they were younger. Garcia, look into her past, dig up everything"

"I don't feel right, doing this. I mean, this is a good friend, I don't want to dig into her past"

Penelope looked at Spencer who bit his lip and nodded.

"I understand that but if we don't do it, there's a possible chance we won't ever see her again"

Penelope sucked in a breath and nodded, quickly typing away on her computer.

"And while you're here, I got a picture of your potential kidnapper, I went off of the description the store clerk gave, and there was only one blonde haired, grey eyed male who came into that store with Karyn. I already did a search on him, his name is Antoni Orlik, he doesn't have a listed address but he does give a work address. He's a flower delivery guy"

Penelope looked through the files she had on her computer, typing away to more information.

"We'll check it out, Reid, you stay with Garcia and find out about Karyn's past, you can check it with everything she told you"

Spencer nodded and took a seat beside Penelope as Emily and Rossi left to go check if Orlik had shown up for work.

"She was arrested"

"Yeah, possession. She told me, she wasn't using, she was selling, says she needed the money for college"

"She never shows up in the system again, what's strange is that it seemed Karyn disappeared off the face of the earth after 8th grade, when her father pulled her out of school and they went for a...three year vacation, she doesn't show back up until she's 17"

"She never told me about those 3 years, but I do know that when she was 14, her mother died of MS, and that's why her father pulled her out, he wanted them to mourn together and school was too much of a stress for them to do that"

"She had a younger brother"

"Yeah, she lost him to a drunk driver when she was 17"

"And her father put her back in school right after that, right back in the very school they left from. Before that, she lived in Cocoa, Florida, where she recieved counseling, and was diagnosed with bipolar depression and she took lithium to control it, until she was 12, claiming she didn't want to grow addicted to the medicine and depend on it forever, her doctor took her off the prescription and instead, she handled it very well, writing a journal and keeping a blog for people like her, and she even wrote poetry for a long period of time, and she had it under control, she's quite the miracle worker"

Spencer nodded and furrowed his brows at the screen, pointing at something that caught his attention. Penelope slapped his hand away before he touched the screen.

"Do not touch the monitor, you will smudge it with all your weird oils that your skin produces"

Spencer rubbed his hand as Penelope clicked on the file.

"Hey, maybe this will tell us about those 3 years, wait, what the heck, it's encrypted"

"Unencrypt it then Garcia"

"That's the thing, this file was sealed by governmental forces, it will take me all day to unencrypt this single file, and I'm certain that there is more encrypting inside, which will most likely take a while as well, and we'll probably be arrested for hacking into government files before I even get halfway done with the first encryption"

"Why would the government seal files of a young girl?"

He licked his lips, in thought, before telling Garcia to go ahead and do her thing, which she was already doing while explaining the whole thing to Spencer.

His phone rang and he answered.

"What's up doc? You having fun? Did you get some sleep last night? I know our lovely Rynie didn't, she spent most her night crying for you"

"I will find her"

"Oh, you and her are so stupid, you won't find her, but I just wanted to let her say something to you, as a nice little goodbye"

"I've still got 37 hours"

"But you won't find us in those 37, trust me, just take the goodbye"


She sounded so weak, Spencer almost cried when he heard her.

"Karyn, I'm here"

"I lo-love you, so mu-much, and I kno-know you'll find me"

"I will find you, I love you too Karyn, please, just hold on for me, don't give up"

"D-don't worry, Y-you can't get rid of me tha-" She sucked in a harsh breath. "That easily"

He let out a short laugh, the tears falling down his cheeks.

"I love you, Karyn"

"I love you t-too Spencer"

"I think that's enough now lalka, goodbye doc"

The line went dead and Garcia wiped her own tears.

"I couldn't get a location, I'm sorry"

"He called her doll"


"He called her lalka which is Polish for doll, what would a Polish person want to do with her?"

"I'm still trying to unencrypt this file, I can't tell you"

Suddenly, Garcia's door was slammed open, her and Spencer were stopped by people wearing suits and black glasses, who wears glasses inside?

"Move away from the computer"


They both moved away and the men nodded, a female walked forward, she looked like the leader.

"I'm sorry, but you can no longer look into that file, we had it sealed for Ms. Novak's protection"

"Why does she need protection?"

"Nice try Dr. Reid, but this information is classified"

"Well, it could have gotten her kidnapped, and there's a possibility she's dead over it"

The woman sucked in a breath and stuck her hand out.

"Lysandra Gunn, I work in Operations"

"Wait, why are you here then, tha-"

Penelope looked at Spencer who looked up from the ground, his lips parted and his eyes showing an understanding, finally, it all made sense.

"She's in Witness Protection"

"Some people are so deep, you fall into them and you never stop falling"
- Ava

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