36 | closest thing that you've ever known

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closest thing that you've ever known

t h i r t y - s i x

She was stuck in the hospital, she had internal bleeding. He never left her side, not even when Derek, Hotchner, and JJ came back. He hadn't slept since she was abducted and he couldn't find it in himself to rest while she was in the hospital either.

"Hey, you should get some rest"

Her voice was stronger than when he first found her, 4 days ago, but it was weak. He smiled and rubbed his thumb along the back of her hand.

"I'm fine"

She sighed and moved over in the bed, making room for him to lay next to her.

"I've missed your cuddles"

He glanced at the door before chuckling and climbing in beside her, pulling her close to him.

"Do you still have your job"

"I don't know"

"I'm sorry"

"No, it's alright, what matters most is that you're safe"

Even though he was glad she was safe, he was 99% sure that he had lost his job because of blowing off that case to find Karyn, he loved working at the BAU and he couldn't see himself working anywhere else.

"But, you love working at the BAU"

"I know, but that doesn't matter right now, okay?"

She smiled sadly and cuddled into him, ignoring the pain in her ribs. He pressed his lips to her forehead and sighed, closing his eyes, enjoying the moment.

"Hey, Spencer"

He hummed and opened one eye, looking down at her. She smiled and kissed him on the lips, catching him by surprise.

"Thank you, for everything"

She pulled away with a grin on her face, his cheeks were flushed and he looked at her, wide eyed. He pecked her on the lips softly before shaking his head.

"You're welcome"

He left a handful of lingering kisses on her lips, causing her to giggle. After that, he ran his hand through her hair, soothing her to sleep, and they dozed off together in the hospital bed.

Almost a week later, she was sat in the love seat, a sketch pad in hand as she drew her aliens, that was really the only thing she was good at drawing, aliens.


He didn't lose his job, luckily, but he had taken off a few days to make sure she was okay. He sat beside her, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, catching her eyes with his, flashing a reassuring smile. She set her stuff on the coffee table, smile back at him and cuddling into his side.


He kissed her forehead gently and she sighed contently.

"I was thinking, we should visit Addien today"

"Are you sure?"

"I've been holed up inside this apartment for 4 days, I want to check up on my friend"

He was about to reply when there was a knock at the door. Spencer excused himself so he could answer the door.

"Agent Gunn"

She nodded.

"I came to check up on Novak"

"Lysandra? What's going on?"

Karyn asked as she walked up to the door, Spencer moved aside a little, allowing Lysandra to walk in.

"You were put in the hospital, after we got you, I had to report back to my supervisor so I couldn't check on you then, but um, how are you feeling?"


She shrugged and Lysandra chuckled. She glanced at Spencer, who was standing with his hands in his pockets.

"Um, Spencer, this is Lysan-"

"We already met, when you were abducted"

Karyn looked at Spencer and then at Lysandra before nodding.

"Oh, well, I guess you know that she's my case agent?"

"Yeah, we had to figure out what you did in those 3 years you moved around, I'm sorry"

"Don't be, it was bound to get out sometime"

"Um, you do know that there's a possibility you'll have to relocate, right?"

She looked at Lysandra and folded her arms over her chest, shaking her head.

"I'm not leaving Virginia, I'm not leaving Spencer"

"I understand that this is hard, but you have to relocate, your location has been compromised, you could be in danger"

"I don't care, I'm not leaving"

"Karyn, you should probably listen to her, I don't want you to get hurt anymore"

"Spencer, I'm not leaving you, I just got back to you, how can you be up for this?"

"I'm not, but if it's to protect you, I'd do anything to keep you safe"

"But, I won't get to see you, we won't even get to talk to each other, I'll disappear"

"I know but, you're not safe here"

"Yes I am, I'm safer with you than in any other place"

"Novak, please listen, you're in danger"

"No, you listen to me Lysandra, I am not leaving Spencer, I don't care what you say, so what if I'm in danger, Spencer is the closest thing I've got to a home, and I don't want to lose that. I can't even talk to my own father because of this shit, I am tired of running, tired of hiding, I want a life, and he's the one I want to create it with"

Tears were streaming down her face. Spencer pulled her in for a comforting hug, careful not to squeeze her seeing as though she's still healing.

"I understand that, but you're father put you into this because he wanted you safe, I'm just doing my job"

"Than catch the son of bitch who caused this. I've spent 14 years hiding from him, what has your supervisor been doing this whole time? Have you even tried to find the guy?"

"We have been doing all we can, you know this"

"Try harder"

Karyn pulled away from Spencer and wiped her tears away, sighing and going back to sit down. Spencer turned to Lysander.

"I think that's your que to leave"

Lysandra nodded and huffed, walking out of the apartment. Spencer went back to Karyn, sitting next to her and pulling her in for a hug, comforting her.

"I don't want to run anymore"

"You don't have to"

"She was the most beautiful complicated thing I'd ever seen, a tangled mess of silky string, and all I wanted of life, was to sit down cross-legged and untie her knots"
- Atticus

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