44 | 258.542 day anniversary

469 11 1

258.542 day anniversary

f o r t y - f o u r

She woke up before him today, he had just come home after being away on a case, and he was drained. She yawned and stretched, looking around on the ground in search of the socks that had managed to wiggle off of her feet while she was sleeping.

After pulling them onto her feet, she grabbed his salmon colored button up that was hung on the door. She walked to the kitchen, buttoning the shirt. She ran her hand through her hair and wiped the sleep from her eyes.

"What are we having for breakfast?"

She muttered as she looked through the fridge, humming Gnats by Tülpa.


She pushed the carton aside before sighing and straightening up, playing with the hem of the shirt.

"Coffee first"

She smiled and got to making the coffee. As she waited for the coffee, she decided to make some scrambled eggs for breakfast.

He rolled over in the bed, yawning as he rubbed his eyes. He stared at the ceiling for a few seconds before standing up and making his way to the kitchen. The smell of coffee almost instantly woke him up, and the sight of her added on to his morning excitement.

"I was just about to wake you"

She looked over her should at him, smiling and turning the eggs to a low heat so they wouldn't burn. She turned fully and walked to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, planting a soft kiss to his lips, which he gladly returned.

"Brush your teeth"

"Yes ma'am"

She giggled and patted his cheek before going back to the eggs. He wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her neck softly.

"Brush your teeth Spencer"

"You have to brush your's too"

She smiled and shook her head, turning off the eggs and allowing him to drag her to the bathroom, where they both brushed their teeth together. She made weird faces in the mirror at him, which he rolled his eyes and returned.

"So, coffee and eggs?"

"I can make something more"

"No, this is great. Do you have work today?"

"Um, yeah, three to nine"

He nodded and they ate their breakfast.

It had been eight and a half months, since they had began dating. He watched her from the love seat, an open book in his hand, but his eyes were trained on her movements as she bent down to the bottom shelf of the book case. He shut his book and leaned over.

"What are you looking for?"

"Um, Great Expectations. I know we finished it, but I want to read it again"

She smiled and he stood up, walking over to help her look for the book.

"I guess you like Dickens then?"

"Yeah, his books are great"

She found the book and grabbed it, moving to sit on the loveseat. She opened the book and started reading it, only to have it taken out of her hands.

"That's rude, I was reading that"

She pouted and he took a seat beside her. She smiled, realizing that he was gonna read to her, so she moved to sit in his lap, her head buried in the crook his neck as he started reading.

He had dressed in a brown and white striped button up, a black tie and a brown sweater vest and some black pants, but she was still wearing his salmon colored button up and his socks.

There was a knock at the door, bringing his attention away from the book, and her attention away from his voice and how his fingertips were gently caressing her bare thigh.

"I should get that"

She smiled and pecked his lips, standing and making her way to the door.

"You don't even have proper clothing on"

She ignored him and opened the door, smiling when she seen it was Penelope and Derek.

"Hey K, did we interrupt something good?"

"Yes actually, he was just about to bend me over the table"

"Woah, spare me the details"

"Actually, I want to hear all about it"

"Who is it?"

Spencer made his way to the door, setting the book on the table.

"Honey, if he's dressed like that during your sexy time, I'm really not surprised that he doesn't have many girlfriends"

"Hey guys, what's up?"

"Well, we came by to see if you would like to go out for lunch together"

"Double date?"

Karyn looked to Spencer who just shrugged.

"Sure, why not"

"Okay, would you like to come in while I go get dressed?"

Penelope nodded and her and Derek walked into the apartment as Karyn went to dress herself, pulling on a high-waisted black skirt and brushing her hair. She applied a coat of pink lip gloss and some black eyeliner.

"Alright, ready!"

She chimed as she pulled on her black flats.

"Let's go then"

Spencer grabbed her hand, his other was stuffed into his pocket as they started on their way out.

"So, where are we going?"

"How do you feel about Italian?"


"Did you know that Italians take their food very seriously. The main meal of the day is at lunch time.
The word for 'the lunch ' is il pranzo. You start with antipasti: these are nibbles like olives, cheese and salami, followed by-"

"Save it for the bedroom pretty boy"

"You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or their fancy car, but because they sing a song that only you can hear"
- Oscar Wilde

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