Chapter 21: Nina

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After that whole discussion with Kent, he got up and went to wash his mouth off so he could head to work. While I went and wash the dishes. Hearing Kent talking about protecting me and never want me to leave him. That made me definitely don't want to leave Atlanta and I promise you, I won't. As I finished washing the dishes, I heard my phone ringing loudly, I looked at it, and it was an unknown number. My face went blank, how can random people get others phone number? No one is safe in this world. I picked it up and held my breath.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Nina?" my face went black as I heard my cheating ass father voice. As much I wanted to hang up on the phone, I rather hear him what he got to say. Where's my mother? Hell for sure I ain't giving up that answer.

"What, Thomas," I answered in his real name because he ain't my father no more.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine, what do you want?"

"I need to talk to you, please, we can have lunch together at--"

"Well, I don't want to."

"Please, Nina, it's really important, it will be only you and me. Aunt Ann won't be there, she's at work, okay?" he insisted that I should really go on this lunch with him. I guess, I have to then.

"Okay, where?"

"Let's have it at your favorite restaurant Chris Pizza Polar," he suggested as I smile a little. That was my favorite restaurant, though. Not just the pizza, the atmosphere, people, and everything about it was perfect to me.

"Okay, I'll be there."

"Alright, good," he said and then he hung up. I sighed, shook my head, and went to get ready, but then stopped by Kent.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he came over me and wrapped his long arms around me letting smell that roamed of that perfect scented cologne.

"Nothing, it just I have a lunch date with my father," I smiled.

"Really? Are you guys going to talk about the affair he had with your aunt?"

"I wished it was something else," I looked at him as he cupped my cheeks and gently pecked my lips, then he did it a couple of times that led to making out session. My body wanted him, but I wasn't in the mood for him, not today for sure. "Okay, Kent, I gotta go."

"Aww, baby, it's been a while, though," he mumbled as he gave me puppy eyes.

"I know, but I'm not in the mood, maybe later," I smirked and he nodded his head.

"Aight, see ya," he kissed my lips again, passed by me, grabbed his keys, and walked out the door.


As I finally arrived at the pizza polar, I looked at myself in the mirror to remind myself not to fall any of my father's lies, and also, cry. I got out of my car, closed the door, and then walked into the restaurant. I told the host I am with Harris. He then led me to where my father was different, he looked a brand new person with a bright glow. Guessing Aunt Ann's pussy was good on him. My father saw me with a surprised look on his face and then he stood up. He probably wanted to hug me but I wasn't allowing that. I shook my head and sat at the table.

"Thank you for coming, sweetie," he said.

"I had to come because I needed to hear your excuse for cheating on my mother."

"I know and that's why I am cleaning up my act right now. Nina, I loved your mother a lot. The first time I met her, dated her, married her, and had you two with her--"

"Then why did you cheat?!" I blurted as I looked down. He then sighed, I knew it, he had no reason of why he cheated on my mother.

"I don't know; I'm serious, I don't know why did I cheat. I didn't know where my head at and I just wasn't in a great stage."

"Well, now you lost three best people in your life."

"No, no, please, Nina. Tell me where they are right now, I need to see my son," he begged as I scoffed at him. I don't need Jethro to follow his footsteps... Even though I am following his right now... Oh shit.

"Tell me, Thomas... Do you love Marie or Ann? Which sister does your heart truly belongs to?"

I looked into his eyes, saw it was piling up with tears, and they quickly fell down his face... I knew it; it has to be Ann. If it wasn't then he wouldn't be crying right now. "Nina... You know I love your mother a lot... But Ann is the one I love the most right now," he finally admitted, I nodded my head, and that's the answer I needed to hear.

"Okay, Thomas, thank you. Bye."

"Please, Nina, where's my son at? Where's Jethro?" I ignored him as I walked out that restaurant leaving no trace of where my mother and brother are. They are my responsibility now... Not his. I sat in my car and looked into the mirror... No single tear fell down my face... Good. That's when my phone vibrated as I saw picture message from Lee.

Lee: Hey, girl! Look at this!

I clicked on the image and it says...

A Royal Nigeria Vacation...

By Ke'Jerome 3rd Knight

This Saturday night will be a special dinner with my family and friends. Please wear elegant, dinner will be at Texas and Brazil Steakhouse... Please don't be late!


My eyes lit up with surprise, what's Ke'Jerome doing now?

Lee: We are going, girl! I don't give a fuck what you say! :D

I shook my head, sighed as I started my car and drove away. 
Hey, guys! Sorry, for updating sooo late, but a lot has been going on. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY NEW YEAR! ALL THAT! lol.

I will try to update more often, but anyways. This chapter showed some hints of what's going to happen later on this story. The next three chapters will be a longggg 3 part Royal Nigeria Vacation. Everyone is going to be in it and it's going to be excitinggggg 😃😃😃

Thank you for reading, voting, commenting, and PATIENCE!

Next update will be idk... Lol.


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