Chapter 5: Chauncey

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Man, what a night filled with drama

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Man, what a night filled with drama... Mostly about Ke'Jerome, Nina, and Kent. I hoped, this works out well for my best man; I knew his love is way stronger than Kent and Nina were meant to be with him. Well, as for me; I didn't need to fight with any other nigga over my Avya because I already caught her under my arm and she's not going anywhere. While growing up, it was hard for me; had to deal with parents always arguing about the same damn thing, having father saying he's leaving us, but he never did and my older sister Dejja and her boyfriend problems. But thank God that I met my true best friend Ke'Jerome III Knight in middle school; he was truly gangster to the fellas and eye candy to ladies. I have to admit, but I even wanted to be like him; hearing that your family is royal, gettin money over here and there and ladies loving you... I had to be one like that. So one day, the teacher told us we had to partner with someone and do a project together on Global Warming. Everyone wanted Ke'Jerome to be their partner because this nigga was smart as hell! So, then the teacher called out the partners, I was holding my hands together and hoped that she says my name and Ke'Jerome's name together. When she did, I nearly pissed in my pants, I smiled so big that everyone groaned. Ke'Jerome said something cocky, which made everyone laughed. When he sat next to me, he held out his hand and we shook on it. He asked me my name, and I replied Chauncey. Then he asked me if we are going to pass this project with a 100 and I was like hell fucking yeah! He laughed at my voice, at that day we kept hanging out and become real live blood brothers. That's when I found out what his family about and what he had to do for his family throne. Then, he asked me to be his right-hand man, I immediately took the job; I knew for the back of my head, my parents would hate me for doing this, but I didn't care what the fuck they had to say. You know why? I'm on my own, making deals with clients and making money with my one and only family Ke'Jerome. Now, I'm 29 years old and that's when I realized that, I too had to have my own queen next to me while Ke'Jerome get his queen. We even promised that we should do a double wedding; him and Nina, me and my beautiful, sexy, loud mouth Avya Simmons. Now, don't get me wrong; when I saw Lee gave me her card, I was thinking... Hmm, another thot trying to get my number. Though, when I looked her up on my computer, I was surprised of how a beautiful, smart girl trying to get with me. I smiled, dialed her card number and see how sweet her voice was. When she picked up on the first ring, I'm thinking a sweet innocent little girl was speaking but no, I was wrong. She was cursing me out and saying some shit I would never expect a chick would say to me. That's when I told her ass straight and she stood quietly, called my name and I told her again about her giving Lee the card to give it to me. She then apologized, we started talking, she asked me to come hang out with her house. Don't get me wrong, I would never skip an offer like that; in my head, I'm going to eat some good ass food, and then a fuck around, but nope...She hit me hard, saying she was a virgin yo! At first, I wanted to bounce but learning about her on that day, I respected her morals and continued until this day. Avya is a wonderful chick, I can't wait to marry her and finally getting in between her scented thighs.

Right now, I'm leading Avya to one of Ke'Jerome's mansion rooms, I unlocked the door and we went inside. "Man Chauncey, why can't you buy a mansion like this?" Avya asked me.

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