2- "Hey, Who's This?"

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Sam Winchester drifted off from his brother in direction. The warmth comforted his skin, and he gave no indication that he had been cold.

No one in the crowd caught his eye, he didn't know anyone there apart from his brother. Though, Dean was probably trying to get a girl to come home with him so he could have sex with her.

That's how Dean's mind worked.

Sam was more of a long relationship kind of man. He had had quite a few relationships, but all of them--you know what, let's not throw Sammy under the bus here.

Sam headed towards the bar where he saw Dean. Sam was careful to avoid sitting next to him. He didn't need to listen to possibly drunk Dean, who was trying to pick up a woman. He sat eleven seats down from his brother, on the very end. He ordered a beer.

Castiel Novak navigated his way through the crowd of the room. He held his glass of beer high over his head so he had less chance of spilling it. He made it away from the front door. Where everytime someone would come in he got blasted with the arctic air, that wasn't arctic, but felt like it belonged up there.

There was no one he knew at the party. His friend Hannah had convinced him to go, somehow. He needed, "sometime out of his bedroom with his nose stuck in those mediciney books."

That's what Hannah had told him. She had come down with a cold just before the party. Castiel wanted to not go anymore, and it would be awkward, and he wouldn't know anyone, which so far, was true to his prediction. She got him to still come, how? He wasn't exactly sure, she was quite persuasive.

He wasn't a big dancer, it was his favorite artist, Elvis. That didn't mean he was going to dance, though. Castiel was rather insecure. He never sang or danced in front of people, on purpose at least. Sometimes he got carried away, in his own little world. Forgetting other people even existed.

He took a sip of his beer and pushed the glasses that fallen down his nose a little, back up into place. He regretted letting Hannah talk him into this.

He was careful with his beer not to spill it onto his tuxedo. His family most of the time didn't have money for fancy clothes.

Though, being the youngest son in the family meant he got lots of hand-me-downs. The tux used to belong to his brother Gabriel. The pant legs were too short to be wearing in winter. Gabriel was... height deficient.

Castiel knew that Hannah liked him, she was furious that she had gotten sick. Maybe part of the reason he agreed to go was so he wouldn't have to stay home with a sick Hannah. She wasn't a great friend.

She tried.

Castiel hadn't been interested in a woman since--what was it?--fifth grade? He much preferred men.

Castiel glanced to the door when he got slightly blown with chilling wind. He sighed.

He moved closer to the bar, away from the door that two rather tall men had just opened. The shorter one, still an outstanding height, but shorter, caught his eye. He was handsome.

Castiel had become used to the cycle of finding a man attractive, but the man being straight so he had to let it go. There was nothing he could do about their sexual orientation.

The likelihood was that this man was also straight. The chances for him to even talk to him, let alone be with him were lower than the Earth's asthenosphere.

Castiel hadn't been open with being gay. It was frowned upon by almost everyone. Including--well, the odds say--the man. After all, being open about being gay had what got him thrown out--disowned--from his family.

He sighed taking a swig of his beer.

He watched the attractive stranger sit down at the bar and order a beer like Castiel had. He tried not to watch so attentive that it would seem like he was stalking him, but he was nice to look at.

His blonde hair was pushed over to the side and freckles dotted the area around his nose. It was hard to see the color of his eyes from where he was at. Castiel turned around 90° back toward the crowd. He wasn't sure what he was going to do at this party for the next, two hours or so.

Making friends was out of the question.

Only if they approached him first.

That never happened.

No one approaches nerdy boy Castiel. He spends all of his free time eating pasta, re-reading textbooks, and acing every test.

He felt a tap on his shoulder.


He zipped around, sure it was one of his brothers who had come to the party.

Castiel stood flustered for a moment, "uh... h-hi."

It was Mr. I'm-Attractive-And-For-Some-Reason-Talking-To-Castiel.

With the sandy blonde hair and candy apple green eyes.

Castiel's heart skipped ten beats, then made up for it with twice as fast beating for a minute.

"You look..." the man's voice trailed off, probably because this was very awkward.

Though, almost every conversation Castiel was in was awkward. It's like he had an awkwardness tractor beam.

Dean scratched the back of his head, where his hair met his neck, with the hand that wasn't busy holding his beer.

"Uh, I, just, someone dared me to go talk to someone and try to be friends with them," Dean lied, covering his tracks.

Castiel didn't pick up on the lie.

Dean put his hand back down at his side and glanced down at his shoes, then back at the dark haired man's eyes.

They were an amazing shade of blue he could stare at forever.

In a manly way of course.

Castiel furrowed his eyebrows at the man. He was disappointed, but didn't let it show. He didn't know why he had gotten his hopes up, there was about a 1 to 10 million chance this man was up to flirt with him.

"Castiel, Castiel Novak," Castiel said holding his hand out to shake.

"Winchester, Dean Winchester," Dean replied nervously, returning the handshake.

After a moment he let go of Castiel's hand and he moved his fingers back up to the back of neck.

People could always tell when he was nervous, this was his, tell, if you want to use poker terms.

Castiel let go of his hand and began fiddling with the edge of his sweater sleeve.

They both understood that if anyone was watching--if that's you, stop it--that this was the most awkward thing they had ever witnessed.

Castiel was sure Hannah would say something of the nature if she was here.

Sam glanced to his left, expecting Dean to be sitting there talking to a girl. He wasn't there.

Sam glanced around the area, he spotted his brother close to the edge of the crowd.

Talking to a... man?

Sam, startled, stood up with his beer, and walked over to Dean and this mysterious man.

Castiel's shyness level suddenly jumped a stage higher when another man approached him and Dean.

He was about four, or so, inches taller than Castiel and three taller than Dean.

"Hey who's this?" Sam asked.

"Um, this is, uh, Castiel..." Dean informed his brother with a tinge nervousness.

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