37- "I'm Glad Too."

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"Dean Winchester?" A voice called into the room.

Dean looked up.

A doctor was looking around the room, "Dean Winchester?" He asked again.

Dean dryed his tears, stood and walked towards the doctor, "yes?"

"Mr. Novak would like to see you," he said.

Dean nodded and followed him into a room.

Cas was lying on a hospital bed, a sheet laying over him. His wounds had been cleaned up and bandaged. An oxygen tube was around his head and he was wearing a hospital gown. He was holding an ice pack on his eye and was a little pale. There was an IV was pumping blood into him.

Dean gave a sigh of relief seeing him at least alive.

The Winchester walked to his side, "Cas, you okay?"

Cas opened his good eye. He smiled, seeing a blurry Dean.

"I'm fine, your back?" Cas asked.

"I'm good," he glanced at the doctor, "is he gonna be okay?"

"He should be, but if he hadn't gotten here, he could have bled out."

Dean swallowed and nodded.

"Dean..." Cas whispered.

Dean looked down to Cas.

"Thank you..."

"Anytime, Cas..." he told him, then looked back up to the doctor," when is he going to be able to come home?"

"Hoping for today, make sure he stays off his feet. Keep ice on that eye to reduce swelling."

Dean nodded.

"I have another patient," the doctor told them, and he left the room.

As the door shut, Dean grabbed Cas hand and kissed his lips, "oh my God. Don't scare me like that."

Cas smiled, "I'm sorry."

Dean sighed and pulled the chair that was behind him up to Cas' bed and sat in it, "I'm sorry too."


"Our argument, I'm sorry, Cas," Dean clarified.

"Oh... I'm sorry too," Cas told him, "I didn't, I didn't mean that stuff."

Dean nodded, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Dean nodded and swallowed a lump in his throat.

"Who did this?" Dean asked.

"What are you going to do?" Cas asked.

"Who did this, Cas?"


"Castiel Novak, who did this to you?"

Cas sighed, "a few people from my school."

"Why? Did they find the picture?"

Cas nodded.

"I told you."

"I know, Dean. I just..." Cas sighed.

"What were their names?"

"Inias... and three others I didn't know."

"Inias?" Dean asked.

"Yes, Dean."

"Do you go to Weird Named Students University?" Dean asked.

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