28- "Stop Giving Me Moral Crap."

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Cas had fallen asleep a few minutes before Dean had gone in to get an x-ray.

Sam had told the doctors that his Med student friend had thought Dean had a fractured rib.

They nodded, and took him into the Radiology Department. Sam sighed and turned back to go to the waiting room.

He saw Cas asleep in a chair in there. Sam sat down next to him and decided that he cared more about Dean's condition than getting some sleep at 3:30 PM.

Sam moved his shoulder, "Castiel..." he whispered.

Cas awoke, "hi."

Sam smiled, "hi, so, Dean's going in for the x-ray now. I told them that you thought it was a fractured rib," Sam said.

"Okay, he's alright?" Cas asked.

"Well, no better than before," Sam answered, "but not worse."

Cas nodded, "you can call me Cas."

Sam smiled, "okay, Cas."

Cas nodded, "I just hope he'll be fine."


He'll be fine, Dean is that guy who chops off his hand and walks it off.

That's why these chapies were so fun to write, cause Dean is in so much pain, and he's complaining and whimpering and you know...


"Yeah," Sam sighed, "how long do x-rays take?"

"It depends on how many they want," Cas told him, "normally it's not long."

"Cas, you might as well be a doctor," Sam said.

Cas blushed, "thanks."

"Can you explain to me in better detail how Dean got hurt?" Sam asked.

"Uh, yes. So I'm scared of falling so Dean is trying to get me to trust him when he's holding me. So I was on his front, hugging his chest and he was holding my legs. I had my eyes shut so I didn't know what was happening and I was too scared to open them. He got up on the bed. I was telling him not to do any of this by the way. He just let go so that I wouldn't fall, but so I could stand on the bed with him. When he let go I was still leaning on him, and I guess we both lost our balance and we fell towards the dresser. Dean kept us from getting too hurt, but the big crash was Dean's back ramming into the dresser. My guess is he hit a handle on a drawer just right--or just wrong, really--and it broke a rib."

Sam nodded, "so... Dean stood on top of the bed while holding you?"

Cas nodded.

"And he thought that was going to end well?" Sam asked.

Cas shrugged his shoulders, "I guess..."

Sam sighed, "at least he didn't hurt you in the process."

Cas nodded, "Dean sometimes doesn't think things through."

"Yeah," Sam agreed.

"He wanted to put me on his shoulders once too," Cas said, "I talked him out of it."

"Is all you two do carry each other around?" Sam asked.

"No," Cas answered.

"Okay..." Sam paused, "do you think the x-rays are done yet?"

Cas shrugged, "maybe."

Sam stood up, "I'll go see."

Cas sighed and sat there as Sam walked off. Cas decided not to try to sleep again.

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