23- "Three Strikes, You're Out."

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Cas walked back into his living room. He scratched his head and sat on his couch. He held his head in his hands. Cas was tired. Somehow... he had woken up at noon.

He opened a binder that was labeled Digestive System. Cas read through it for the 100th time in the past week and sighed. He looked up to the kitchen to check the time.

It was 7:58 PM.

Cas could imagine Dean in his bedroom pulling his shirt off. He smiled at his imagination. He sighed and shut the binder. He should go to bed. He had practically memorized every textbook he had.

The truth of it was that Cas just had nothing to do all the time so he read everything over again. Cas knew everything about his books. He knew the textbook titled "Optical Function" was copyrighted in 1953. Cas looked down at the couch under him.

He thought about sleeping right there, but thought he shouldn't because it would hurt in the morning. He had made Dean sleep on this couch, poor Dean. Why did he make him sleep out here? Cas sighed and held his head by his hair which stung the slightest little bit, but Cas didn't mind.

He should sleep. Cas looked up and stood. He sauntered towards the bedroom and pushed the ajar door open. He went into the bathroom. He took off the bandage on his arm and threw it away. Cas grabbed his roll and wrapped it around his forearm which was significantly harder to do alone. He sighed and cut the end of the bandage with a pair of scissors. He tucked the tail of the cloth underneath the rest. Cas placed the roll back into the cabinet. He used the toilet, washed his hands, and brushed his teeth.

He walked back into his bedroom. He took off his clothes, before he put his pajama pants on, he ran his fingers over his thighs. The Novak let out a breath and finished getting changed. He curled up on the bed and fell asleep faster than he expected to.

Dean closed the door to the apartment and sighed. How could Castiel Novak think that he--himself--wasn't perfect and beautiful? Dean shook an image of Cas with his blades that had appeared, from his mind. He walked out of the building and out to the car. He had to get to work on time. He quickly drove home with a new record of 11 minutes. Dean stepped out of the car and locked it. He knocked on the door for Sam.

Sam and Angel smiled as the Disney movie started.

Sam put his arm around Angel's shoudlers and she smiled, blushing. She leaned her head against Sam's side and he looked down at her.

"You're going to fall asleep again aren't you?" Sam asked.

"Probably," she answered.

Sam grinned, "okay..."


By the time Cinderella had reached The Ball, and was dancing with Prince Charming, Angel was fast asleep against Sam's side.

Sam sighed, but didn't stand up, not wanting to wake her again. He sat there and watched the rest of the movie, even though the only reason he really agreed to it was because of Angel. Every now and then, he looked down at her resting peacefully on him. She said something in her sleep that resembled the word 'Sam.'

Sam chuckled soft enough so she wouldn't wake.

He thought about calling Castiel's house and ask to speak with Dean just to mess with their heads, but decided against it. He would talk to Dean about it the next time he was going to 'the bar.'

The movie finally ended but Angel hadn't awoken. He sighed and carefully picked her up, unsure of what to do.

Angel stirred as Sam lifted her. He tried to shush her but Angel jumped awake.

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