24- "Don't Let me Fall."

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Angel sighed. She had nothing better to do than sleep. She had early classes in the morning and it couldn't hurt to go to bed. She lied down on her mattress amd sighed. She didn't fall asleep until half and hour later, which she had expected.

Sam left Angel' s apartment and walked home. It was cold so Sam put the jacket on. He had gotten tired and wanted to lie down when he got to the house. He knew Dean wouldn't be home yet. He wouldn't leave Castiel's house that fast and he wouldn't pass up dinner. He was positive on that. He would lie down until Dean got home.

Sam reached his and Dean's house in ten minutes. He took his key and unlocked the door. Sam stepped inside and locked the door behind him. He took his coat, which now smelled a little like Angel, and his shoes off. He went to his bedroom and lied on the bed. He didn't want to fall asleep, but just lie there. He sighed. Sam may not have wanted to, but in a matter of twenty minutes he was fast asleep.

Dean knocked on the door again. He sighed and pulled his key out. He unlocked the door, opened it, and stepped inside. Dean shut the door and locked it back. He took off his coat and shoes. He checked to make sure Sam was asleep. He peeked in his bedroom.


Dean sighed a sigh of relief. If anything happened to Sammy he wouldn't know what to do with himself.

Dean wondered what Cas was doing as he changed into PJs. Probably studying. Dean threw his clothes in the laudry and brushed his teeth. He lied down and tried to fall asleep so he could wake up at 5 AM tomorrow.


The alarm Dean woke up groggy. He glanced at the clock, 5:00 AM. He hit 'Off,' sighing. He stood up and walked toward the bathroom. He started the shower and shut the door. He took off his PJs and used the toilet. He washed his hands and stepped inside.

Something annoying that always bugged Dean, was that if you were tall, you had to duck down to get your hair wet. It was worse for Sam, though.

Dean finished his shower and dried off with a towel. He hung up his towel and put on his dark indigo robe. He tied the string and held it closed as he went back to his bedroom to put on his work clothes. He changed quickly and went to have breakfast. Sam was sitting at the table reading the newspaper and sipping his coffee.

"Morning, Sammy," Dean greeted.

Sam looked up, "morning."

Dean checked the time, 5:20 AM. It took him 42 minutes to drive to the shop so he'd have to leave by about 6:10 if he wanted to be safe. He poured a bowl of OKs and milk. He grabbed a spoon and brought it to the table. He started eating so fast that it was a legitimate concern he could choke.

"Stop eating so fast, why are you in a hurry?" Sam asked.

Dean shrugged, but he knew why. He wanted to call Cas if he finished getting ready fast enough. Sam rolled his eyes.

Dean was careful not to choke but still finished his food in less than three minutes. He stood up and put his bowl in the sink.

Sam gave him a look, but didn't say anything.

Dean went into the bathroom and did his hair in the mirror. That took him longer than eating, but he had to make sure it was perfect.

He stepped out and put on his work boots. It was 5:30 when he finished getting ready. Sam gave him another look.

"Do they want you to come in early or something?" Sam asked.

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